Chapter 2 : Being Nice

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It was finally lunch time and I made my way over to the crowded cafeteria with an overwhelming sound of chatter, I anxiously looked around the big room and made my way to order Lunch.
Once I ordered, I looked around the room once more trying to find Joshua but no luck.
I sat down at a random empty table, hoping he'll find me instead.

After a few minutes a group of boys came towards my table and started laughing and giggling at me.
And with my luck, one of the boys were Nick.
"What are you doing here..? Just because you tied with our boy Nick doesn't mean ye get to be friends now, right Nick?" Chuckled one of the boys, giving Nick a small nudge.

He didn't respond, infact he just looked down at me silently as if he was examining me.

"S-sorry, I thought this table was empty" I muttered sheepishly as they all crowded around me.

"Uh- I was just looking for Joshua..Joshua Kelly? Do you know where I can find him?"

Suddenly they all burst into laughter as if I've said something hilariously funny.
"Joshua? What does this loser want with Josh! BAHA" one of them snorted.
This is the exact reason why I avoided the cafeteria until now, I usually sit outside to avoid Nicks friends, ever since I came here they've been calling me all kinds of names.

"He's at the swimming pool, I can show you the way?" Nick offered out of the blue, silence fell as they all looked at him with shock, including me.
Whys he being so friendly all of a sudden?

I simply nodded and stood up, we left the cafeteria alone and made our way to the swimming pool.
The whole time we were completely silent and whenever I tried saying anything he'd just start walking faster so I remained silent.

"We're here, he should be inside somewhere." He said sternly as he stood beside the door, waiting for me to get inside.

"Thank you" I smiled but he just rolled his eyes and made his way back to the cafeteria.
Okay...maybe he's not THAT nice.

I stepped inside and nervously looked around to see Joshua swimming back and forth in the pool.
I awkwardly watched him gracefully move across the pool, unknowing of how to grab his attention.

"Joshua?" I called.
He heard me and took one last lap before stepping out of the pool and coming towards me.
I admired his wet muscly body from afar, amazed at how well built he was. I couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous.

"Heya Simon, how'd ya find me?" He smiled down at me with his pearly white teeth.

"Oh um- Nick helped me actually...believe it or not" I chuckled nervously.

"Nick- Nick Kwon?? No way what!" He chuckled back, placing both hands on his hips.
"He's the last person I'd except to help, that guys a massive jerk" He continued, grabbing his towel and making way to the changing room.

"Oh I know- we had this contest in class based on General Knowledge and he absolutely REFUSED to do it unless it was bAsED oN tHe CuRriCUlUmN" I giggled, having an absolute blast flaming Nick.

"Yep, that's Nick for you alright"

"Yanno, one time we were supposed to work together for a project, he payed the teacher to regroup because I wasn't qualified to work with him??? Whatever that means?" Josh snorted as he dried himself in the changing room.  Meanwhile I sat down on the bench,  peacefully eating my lunch.

"He's so arrogant, he probably thinks he owns the school or something" I smirked, the both of us started laughing.

"Wouldn't be suprised, his parents are hella rich, they own like half of this town"

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