Chapter 11

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As I was literally a mess, I reeked of booze.. Charlie looked at me with concern, as Vaggie rolled her eyes at me. She didn't like me to begin with, she definitely hates me now.

Husk laughed but then realized I had downed the whole bottle, which he seemed a little concerned more impressed though.

"I didn't know miss feathers here could even do that, do you think she should stay here for tonight?" Angel asked, as Charlie nodded as she looked for a hotel room key.

"Ummm Charlie, she can crash with me in my room. I've got a couch that turns into a bed, so I think she'll be alright." Angel claimed, which Charlie looked at Vaggie.

"Ughhh fine, don't try anything with her though. I mean it Angel, nothing I have a bad feeling about her." Vaggie spoke, as she followed Charlie up to their room.

As Angel picked me up, I was nearly asleep in his arms. Which he smiled, as he walked up the stairs with me.

Once we got to his room, he placed me down but I was literally just leaning against him from how drunk I was. He smiled at me, and I smiled at him drunkly.

Then he picked me up again, and placed me on his bed as he made up the couch for me. Then I heard oinks, I looked to my side and saw a pig?

"Awww youuuur sooo cuuute, h-hey Angelll!" I say, which Angel snickered.

"Yeah (y/n)?" He spoke, as he turned and saw his pet.

"What'sssss yourrrr petsss nammmme??" I asked through slurs, which Angel giggled.

"His name is Fat Nuggets, he's friendly." Angel exclaimed, as he put some fluffy blankets down.

"D-Do um you normally throw up when you're this drunk?" Angel asked, which I shook my head no.

"Nahhh when you're numbinnng the painnn, nothingg seeems to come uppp!" I claimed, which Angel just put a bucket by the bed just in case.

As I was petting Fat Nuggets, Angel gently picked me up and placed me on the couch. As I looked at him, I smiled and laid back. Which Angel then put a blanket on me, and went to his bed.

"Nightt Angel!" I giggle out, which Angel chuckled.

"Goodnight (y/n), see you in the morning." Angel spoke, as Fat Nuggets cuddled up to him.

~morning time!~

As I woke up, I looked to my side and I didn't puke at all. But I was hungover big time, and I didn't want to be a bother. As Charlie probably already has enough on her mind, and Vaggie doesn't like me sooo I got up and cleaned up my mess.

So Angel wouldn't have to, and I left as I went downstairs I saw two new demons one looked like it kinda resembles a deer the other one was like a mini demon.

So I just thought nothing and tried to leave, until the deer demon saw me...

"Oh you're the new resident Charlie has been talking to me about, or are you a spy? You look like you're in a hurry my dear, come now." The deer demon spoke, which his voice gave me the chills as it had a radio effect on it...

"Ummm who are you?" I asked, as he vanished.

"Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you! Quite a pleasure, what is your name my dear?" Alastor spoke, as I jumped as he was right beside me.

"I-I'm uhhh... I'm (y/n), it's um nice to meet you too." I stuttered out, which this gave Alastor a huge scary grin.

So naturally I backed up, and went closer to the exit. Then the little demon was behind me, as I jumped.

"Hi I'm Nifty! What are you doing, you're not thinking of leaving are you?!?!" Nifty spoke, as she began to get creepy.

So I extended my wings and flew up and perched myself, where I was safe. This made Alastor laugh, along side Nifty. As I trembled in fear they left the front door in range, so when they left further I made my move and flew straight for the door.

Once I was out, I made a note to never go back to that hotel. As I flew away not straight for heaven, but I made sure I got a good distance away before I started flying up.

Once I made it to heaven I snapped my fingers and I was back being an angel, which I breathed and I entered the golden gates and be-lined for my house. As I had this massive headache now, and I needed lemon water and a grilled cheese after whatever the fuck just happened...

Once I got home, I locked the door and went to the kitchen and started to make lemon water with lime slices. Then of course when I had a knife in hand, someone knocks on my door.

So naturally I groan, and place the knife down and go answer the door. To my surprise it was Adam, definitely not the person I wanted to deal with when I'm hungover.

"What do you want?" I snapped, which Adam looked at me and snarled.

"Jeez bitch what's up your ass this morning?" Adam growled, which I rolled my eyes.

"I don't is there a cactus where your heart should be?" I spoke lowly, which Adam rolled your eyes.

"Well I saw you enter heaven, where did you go exactly? Did you go down to hell, because it seems like you did from the way you're acting. Heh, or did you get your period?" Adam snarled, which I slapped him.

"Shut the fuck up Adam, you don't need to know where I've been. You're not my dad, nor are you my brother. So fuck off, I don't need anybody I'm fine by myself!" I yell, which Adam rolled his eyes.

"Ya know you can be a real cunt," Adam spoke and flew off with Lute behind him..

As I slammed my door, I slide down it and breathed but it just turned into tears. As I stayed there crying for what seems like hours, I just got up with tears still dripping off my face.

To make myself some food, but it was hard with blurry vision but I tried my best. It was a little over cooked on one side and under cooked on the other, but it was a grilled cheese so I didn't care.

After I gulped down my food, I went upstairs to my bedroom and locked myself in my bathroom. As I stayed there and cried more, even though my headache worsened I didn't care. I was drinking lemon water, it should go away eventually...

Always Second Best... (Adam x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें