Chapter 9

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(Y/n) - Tilted
Adam - Bold
Both - Tilted and Bold

As I snapped my fingers, my outfit changed one of innocents to heavy metal rock. I breathed as I looked at Adam, I chuckled as I made sure my band mates wouldn't mess this up soooo. They're head knows what to do, and so does their hearts.

His driver's license says James, he went by Jim. A gangster wannabe, and baby that was him.
Adam smirked and chuckled, at the choice but I shushed him.

He stole his uncle's 44 last Friday night, said if I wanted in we'd have to plan this thing just right.
Adam tilted his head to the side in confusion, and looked at his band mates.

We'll need the gloves, we'll need the bags, a couple masks. We'll need to steal a car, with windows tinted black.
Adam's eyes widen, as this was sorta a sinful song. But I was half sinner and winner, soo I mean no one has to know.

He picked the nearest bank on, Main and 17th. We wrote down every line, from every movie that we've seen screaming...
Adam looked at me, as I look at him and smirked.

Adam smiled, as he stands over me.

"We want your crash, open the safe, get off your phone!!"
"Don't be a hero, and you might just make it home!!"
Adam sings with me as he winks, which I just snarl at him as I fly up with my guitar.

Get 'em up and get down! Reach for the sky, then go ahead and kiss the ground!!

Get 'em up and get down! Reach for the sky, then go ahead and kiss the ground!!

Get 'em up! Get 'em, get 'em up.
Adam and I look at each other, as this is one heated rock battle.

A freshly stolen Mustang small block 302, drove past the bank a dozen times this afternoon.
I smile, as I smirk which Adam seemed annoyed just like everyone else...

The only parking spot was half a block away! Gave us time to practice, just exactly what to say screaming...
Adam looked at me funny, as he chuckled.


I rolled my eyes annoyed by this, as I look at Adam.

"We want your crash, open the safe, get off your phone!!"
"Don't be a hero, and you might just make it home!!"
I look at Adam, and he just smirks.

Get 'Em up and get down down! Reach for the sky, then go ahead kiss the ground!!

Get 'Em up and get down! Reach for the sky, then go ahead kiss the ground!

Get 'em up! (Get 'em, get 'em up...)
I look at Adam, and he looks at me with a smirk. Which I actually got quite annoyed with this dickhead, so I just rolled my eyes and snarled at him.

The only thing I wish, one of us had known... That it was Sunday, and the goddamn bank was closed...
I sway my hips at Adam, as I gave him a devilish smirk which he got worked up over that which made me giggle.

Too bad we didn't see the cops across the street, we dropped our guns and tried to run and there went all our dreams of screaming...

I look at Adam, he still had more fight in him. But our little singing battle was coming to an end.

We wanted easy street,  and now we'll never know! Somebody call my mom, and tell her I ain't coming home...
I look out to the crowd, and saw Emily cheering me on. I saw Byron he seemed heartbroken, then his best friend Norman was there stunned. Grandpa looked happy, but upset at the same time...

Get 'em up and get down! Reach for the sky, then go ahead hid the ground!
I smirk, which made Adam's blood boil.

Get 'em up and get down! Reach for the sky, then go ahead kiss the ground!
He say as he returned the same smirk I gave him, which he went head to head as our foreheads were almost touching. Kinda felt embarrassed, as he was wayyy taller than me.

Get 'em up!!
We both sang and the song ended, as we were about ready to kill each other right then and there in front of everybody.

As we were about to talk, Emily flew over with Lute. Emily I swear, squeezed the life outta me again...

"Oh my god!! (Y/n) that was amazing, I didn't know you were in a band!!" Emily squealed, which I just put my hood up.

"Yeah, it was me and my brother who started it... Shy and Danny were his friends, I really never make friends anymore." I spoke, which Em looked at me like a confused puppy.

"Why's that?" Emily asked, which of course before I could say anything...

"Because she's not as awesome at the original dick." I looked at Adam, as if he was crazy.

"What you don't know the story about Eden? This is Adam the first man, to ever walk this earth." Emily spoke, which my eyes widen.

"Wait what-" I say as I cut myself off, Adam took amusement into my little reaction.

"Wait wait, you don't follow any religion???" Emily asks, I shook my head nope.

"Nah my father tried to force me to be a Christian, he threaten to baths ties me without my consent."
"He bought me a bible, I burnt it and threw it in the garbage. That's why I'm confused why, I'm in Heaven." I look at Em, she seemed shook. But Adam on the other hand, seemed like he was abouta laugh his ass off.

"Well as long as you had a good heart I guess, I'm not sure why didn't you accept that form of change?" Emily asked, which I sighed.

"That wasn't me I can't see myself going to church and worshiping God, reading the bible every night, doing all this. I hated it,"

"I asked my mom about, so one of the old people she was taking care off goes to church. So we tagged along, I hated it every minute of it.
"It wasn't me, and my mom stopped going to church, when she turned 15 as she had my oldest brother Michael. She let me have that choice, Darren didn't.."
"He was a psychopath, plus he was raped along side his brother Rocky by their oldest brother Roger..."
"Then they go to church to cover it up, I swear if they get into heaven I might as well sacrifice myself to hell. To put them, in a place where they suffer." I say, which Emily seemed shocked and sad. Adam didn't give a much bigger fuck, and Lute too.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry.." Em spoke, and hugged me.

"That must suck for you, see ya later bitches." Adam says, as he just flys away with Lute.

Which I just roll my eyes, then Emily shows me my house. She said if I ever plan to go to Hell, this house will be waiting for me when I return.

Always Second Best... (Adam x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora