Chapter 18

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As I woke up in an unfamiliar place, I looked around to see cable and animatronic sharks swimming in a void. As I struggled to get loose, but to no avail.

"Oh look at you, spending your time taking ranks Miss. Rave." The person, spoke as I got shivers down my spine.

"Yeah and? I don't have all day." I sarcastically taunted, as the demon came out from the shadows well three of them.

Now I know where I am, I'm in the Vee's tower... Great, I kinda know them there's one girl and her names Velvette.

"Oh you look so shook chicita." Valentino spoke, which I turned my gaze to him.

"Yeah should we live stream it boys?" Velvette asked, which they agreed.

"No one's gonna come save you now." The tv demon spoke, which I just realized voxtech... This dude has been an enemy of Alastor's for awhile, fucking hell...

"Look I'm not here for beef, if ya have any of that with someone then I'm not your target." I spoke, which Vox smirked.

"Oh yes you are Miss. Rave, you see your actions and sneaking to heaven. You have connections to that place, and we want that power." Vox snickered, which made my blood boil.

"Like I'd tell you shit." I smirked, which Vox slammed his hand against the chair I was tied to.

"Well I could just let all of hell know, oops already did. You're gonna be a target for all demon kind, who's going to protect you now?" Vox smirked devilishly, which I was about to answer but shut up... As I don't think Adam, would come down here just to protect me...

"Oh do you not have anything? Not even anybody?" Val chuckled, which I looked at the camera and looked away.

Which Vox punched me so hard I felt dizzy, as I looked at him as my vision started to blur from blood...

"Honestly how could someone as weak as you, be an overlord?" Val taunted, which I just looked away...

Adam's POV

As I looked everywhere in heaven for (y/n), I somehow knew she bolted for hell... I didn't want to, but to prove myself to her. I needed to do this, even Lute thought I had no heart... I guess I really did lose myself, but she makes me feel alive.

As I went down to hell, my phone went off so I picked it up. It was a live, from hell? How the fuck could they get a connection like that? I thought, as I tapped on the live...

My heart instantly sunk, as I saw (y/n) in her demon form tied to a chair she was all bloody and it seemed like her nose could've been broken...

As rage took over, I flew to the Vee side of the pentagram as I knew these demons all too well. They weren't careful, but were at the same time.

But they fucked with the wrong angels, as I got into the Vee tower some demons tried to attack me but I just brought my weapon which it was my guitar just as a sword as it's fucking badass.

They all backed off, as I asked the front desk lady where this live is being hosted.

"U-Umm sir I can't g-" I cut that cunt, as I death stare her.

"If you don't tell me where it's hosted, I'll kill everybody in this fucking building. Tell me where it's hosted, I won't ask again." I coldly spoke, which she shivered.

"It's in the basement in Vox's lair!!!" She spoke, quickly as I ran to the elevator.

I pushed the bottom button, that says Vox. Then once I arrived, I looked at all the fuckers. They didn't seem to notice me at first, so I took a couple steps in.

Which caught the attention of all the Vees which Vox was the one to look first, and he nearly choked on his coffee.

"Holy shit so you got the head of the exterminators, to protect you?" Vox, grabbed (y/n)'s throat to make her look at me.

"I thought you'd never show up." (Y/n) smiled, as I smirked.

"Yeah why wouldn't I, I'm fucking Adam." I spoke, which I snapped my fingers as I made my guitar appear.

"So you assholes messed with the wrong dick, and now I'm going to fuck you all up!!" I spoke, which Vox teleported away and Val ran to the emergency exit with Vel.

"Hah! Pussies!!" I scream, as I run to (y/n) she seemed banged up...

(Y/n)'s POV

"I thought you gave up on me." I say, as I looked away.

"Look whatever you did down here, isn't good. I think you've made some people pissed off." Adam spoke, which I just scoffed.

"I'm an overlord, that's why I have demons up my ass. Plus with Vox's information of me being half angel, and you coming to rescue me. People ain't gonna like me, at all..." I say, as I look at Adam.

"Well let's hope some demons didn't catch the news, let's go home." Adam said as he stuck his hand out for me to take, which I looked at him.

"I'm still mad at you, I hope you know that." I scoff, which Adam groaned.

"Y-Yeah I know, but how can you stay mad at me the dickmaster!" Adam exclaimed, which I smiled.

"I guess ya can't forever, but can you promise me something...?" I ask, which Adam nodded as I put my hand in his. He gently pulled me in, which made me blush.

"Promise me, that if you want us to be more than whatever we are. That I'll be the only woman....?" I say sounding stupid, which Adam looked away.

"Well I can, but can we talk about this in heaven." Adam asked, which I frowned.

"I guess..." I say, as I slip my hand away from his.

As we both get out of the Vee's tower, we flew home. Once we got there, I just ditched Adam at the gates. As I just needed some alone time, which Adam wanted to work this out now.

I just needed some space I've been kidnapped, my identity got exposed, and I'm just tired. I needed to rest, and maybe take a walk or just fly around.. See where my heart takes me, or mind one or the other.

Always Second Best... (Adam x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ