Chapter 13

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As I've been isolated in my house for a month maybe two, I haven't been keeping track of the date or time so I could've been in this house for three months. But all I've been doing is going down to hell, and I found a club there that I go to daily well nightly as I only go down there at night.

Adam hasn't bothered to come and stop by, but Emily gave him my phone number so he's been tryna start up small talk or be nice. But I couldn't accept he was actually being nice, since he was a guy and a total dickhead.

But being isolated in this house, I've actually stopped playing guitar, singing, drawing and baking I only use the kitchen to cook shitty meals. I stopped doing a lot of things I love, I just haven't been myself.

All I've done is drink until I pass out, and then head up to heaven and deal with the massive hangover. Then repeat that every night, to the point I think everybody forgot about me completely...

But of course today was my unlucky day, as I had to go outside to the store and buy groceries.. I had to get food, soda, juice etc... It's just so I could be left alone again.

I can't handle still feeling like I'm still alive, still living a virgin life yeah I took the L and died pure and untouched... Maybe that's the reason heaven aloud me to be here, and then the other half of me just belongs to hell...

As I just shrugged it off, I decided to have a shower before I left which I haven't showered in three days which I honestly felt disgusting. But I mean I haven't done much of anything, sure I've cleaned my house only for it to reek of booze when I get back from hell...

After my shower though, I start to question a lot of things... Why couldn't my brother or mom just fucking end Kendra's life? Sure they'd lose their ticket to Heaven, but really the bitch has done more damage to all of us than good!

They know I hate her, well Travis should know mom hates her guts and wants to kill her. So why bring her in the first place, was it just to get me killed or see my reaction...?

Maybe I really am second last, not even best can cut what I've been thinking about for how every long I've been isolated...

But at last my time has come, to go get groceries I made a list and if I go off it the reason being I forgot to add it to the list, or I just want it.

~at the grocery store~

As I was shopping I kept my head long, and my hood up to not draw attention to myself. As I don't need anyone I know, up my ass especially Adam... He's been trying to get ahold of me, ever since Emily gave him my number...

Plus I don't know how mad he is at me, I mean I did push him away... I actually pushed everyone away, the new friends I've made in hell and in heaven. I honestly dont mind being alone, it's better this way for my heart..

I left my mom and brother alone, my niece probably won't even know who I am... My dogs won't ever forgive me, I'm just such a ducking mess...

~next aisle~

As I go to grab some soda, I hear an all too familiar voice... It's Adam, which I hide my wings and kept my head low with my hood up so he doesn't recognize me..

Now's not the time Adam... I thought to myself as I got a case of root beer and coke, then I tried myself to quickly remove myself from that aisle.

Once I was outta sight and outta mind, I breathed as I finished my shopping. Since Heaven doesn't have any cars like hell, I had to teleport all my stuff back home. But as I was about too, I heard someone call my name.

"Hey kiddo, where have you been?" Norman spoke up, which I turned around and looked at him. He may have not been my father, but all the stories my mom and brother spoke about him. Made me feel like, I don't know an outcast...

"Oh um hey Norm.." I spoke, which he gave me a small smile.

"I haven't seen you lately, where have you been?" He asked, which I shrugged.

"Just been doing my thing, how's Byron?" I asked, which Norman smiled.

"He's been worried about you, I'm surprised you didn't come visit us. Baby your family's first Rottweiler, has been waiting for you." Norm exclaimed, which I gave a weak smile.

"I've just been busy doing my own thing, but really-" I cut myself off, as I see Adam and Lute come out of the grocery store..

"Look Norm I've got to go, I'll catch up." I say, as I snap my fingers and teleport away with my groceries.

As I sighed, I was back home with my groceries just doing nothing well putting away groceries then waiting for nightfall again...

As I was putting my groceries away, I heard a knock on my front door so naturally I groan. I stop what I'm doing to go see who's at the door, to my surprise it's Emily and Sera...

"Hey (y/n) what have you been doing? We haven't seen you around lately, are you doing alright?" Sera asked, which I just blankly nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine, just living my afterlife." I spoke, which Emily seemed really concerned.

"Well if it makes you any better, Adam has been trying to reach out and speak-" I cut Emily off with a sigh, as I look up at her.

"Yes I know, I just don't want to talk to anybody or anyone at the moment." I snap, which Emily jolts back and Sera raises an eyebrow.

"Are you sure you're okay, you haven't acted like this at all. Why now, has something happened?" Sera asked, as I hold back tears.

"Just go please..." My voice cracks as I'm speaking, Emily seemed very concerned as she hugged me. Of course I fought it, until she didn't let go. So I stayed quiet, as I fought tears falling down my face.

"It's okay (y/n) just you've been here for almost half the year it's now June almost July..." Em spoke, which I just shrugged not saying a word.

As Emily let go of me, I kept my head down they were concerned but I was fine. As I waved them goodbye, I closed the door and went to put away the groceries. Fighting tears, as I was done crying I was done feeling...

Always Second Best... (Adam x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt