"Why not?" Chris wined like a baby.

"Nate, do I have any sunscreen on my face?" Matt turned to his friend, face full of sunscreen. Nate shaked his head, finding it hilarious seeing Matt look like a sunscreen monster.

Nick knew Nate was lying but loved the humour so left it alone and turned to his jellyfish-loving child. "Cause I don't need to deal with jellyfish stings today. Now. Promise me you won't touch the fucking jellyfish"

"Promise" Chris half-assed his answer.


The four were in the ocean, body-surfing and drowning each other.

A normal day at the beach right? 

"Chris verse Nate. Who can body surf further?" Matt called out, seeing a good wave coming in. They were doing body surfing contests since none of them could surf and couldn't be bothered to bring surfboards. They had determined the winner from each contest and the grand finale was: Nate vs Chris (billieandfinneas11 I got it right this time)

Nate and Chris got ready to catch the wave, both eager to win the contest. The prize? Passenger seat and DJ privileges on the way home. 

Matt and Nick jumped with the wave as Nate and Chris caught it. Chris went left and Nate went right. They had learned not to go the same way since it's scary they end up bumping heads with random children, No questions, RIP Alfred George II. 

"GO NATE" Nick and Matt both screamed, hoping their friend would beat Chris. It's a sibling thing.

The wave was coming to an end and Nate had already been swallowed by it so Chris was the clear winner.   

He was gonna stop himself with the upcoming piece of coral he could see. That's what he had been doing, putting his foot in coral and letting the wave go over him instead of going all the way to the shore. They were a long way out.

Honestly one of Chris's worst ideas and we are all very well aware of some of the things that have happened in this book.

Remember how Chris saw a jellyfish before and then had to promise Nick not to touch it?

Well. Promises break. Unfortunately.

As his foot slid into the coral, it touched something thinner than coral. It also sent this pain through his whole body. It was nothing like he had ever felt before.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" He kept repeating under his breath, trying to keep his reaction PG since kids would hear him scream.

He gently pulled his foot out of the coral, no idea why his veins were on fire at that moment. He didn't go to the shore though, swimming a stroke called 'My foot is on fire and Alica Keys didn't write about it'. 

"I've seen someone swim like that before Chris" Nate joked, treading water with the others while waiting for Chris's return. 

Once Chris found a small lump of sand to stand on, he lifted his foot out of the water to try and self-diagnose why he felt like he just dipped his foot in a volcano. 

"Ok so we are doing yoga now" Nick looked at Chris and he tried to keep his balance amongst the waves which were not as brutal as before but still there.

Chris rolled his eyes, then widened them when he saw a blob of something on his left foot. 

"What the fuck is on your foot Chris?"

"Is that a jellyfish, I told you not to touch the fucking jellyfish!" 

"Does it hurt?" 

Chris couldn't respond to any of it. It hurt. A lot. Like, not that he had experienced it first-hand, but if John Cena threw a TV at him while he was swimming in hot cooking oil and got his arm amputated while the TV hit him in the face, he reckoned it would hurt less than his foot right now. 

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