As he pressed play, Jungkook's voice filled Jimin's ears.

["Thanksgiving Day, But it's still next month. I don't know whether I'll be free that time."]

Jimin felt a hint of hesitation as he sent his voice note,

["Do you have anything else to do?" ]

Jungkook responded,

["Em, there's a possibility that I'll be working overtime."]

Before Jimin could reply, Jungkook sent another voice note, saying,

["Don't worry, I'll make time for you." ]

Jimin's heart fluttered at Jungkook's reply. He pondered for a moment, feeling a rush of warmth.

["Thank you, hyung."]

he replied, hoping his sincerity would be conveyed through the message.


That accidental encounter really helped their relationship become more relaxed and comfortable. Jimin no longer rejects Jungkook's calls and they even chat on WeChat during their free time. Jimin takes the initiative to share things with Jungkook, acting like an older brother. He tries to convince himself that his feelings for Jungkook don't exist, but deep down, he knows they're there.

As Thanksgiving Day approaches, Jimin finds himself with no classes. He spends the afternoon drawing on his computer, eagerly waiting for their meeting. Jungkook informs him that he's not sure if he'll have to work overtime, but he asks Jimin to wait for him at the university and promises to call when it's time.

When it's almost 6:00 p.m., Jimin gets up from his seat and changes into a full-sleeve shirt and pants. He even decides to put on some light makeup, something he rarely does. He adds earrings and rings to complete the look. But as he takes a moment to observe himself in the mirror, he realizes that something feels off.

It's as if he's trying too hard.

With a sigh, Jimin removes all the accessories and wipes off the makeup.

"Yes," he says to himself, feeling a sense of confidence. "Just like this."

Jimin returns to his seat in front of the computer, feeling a bit hungry. He sends a message to ask if Jungkook is free to grab a meal together. But there's no response. Jimin hesitates for a moment, then decides to give Jungkook a call. Unfortunately, there's no answer on the other end.

Jimin starts to worry that Jungkook might be busy working overtime and didn't see his message. But deep down, he knows that if Jungkook really was working late, he would have let him know. Determined not to let his hunger go unanswered, Jimin calls Jungkook again and again, until finally, the call is answered.

Jimin breathes a sigh of relief and asks, "Jungkook hyung, are you working overtime?"

Jungkook's voice sounds hoarse and slow as he apologizes, "I'm sorry, Jimin. I just saw your call. Let's not go out today, okay? You go and have a meal with your colleagues. Don't starve yourself."

Concerned by the strange sound of Jungkook's voice, Jimin asks, "Hyung, are you sick?"

Jungkook replies, "It's okay I'm fine."

But from his tone, Jimin can sense that Jungkook might be in pain. Without hesitation, Jimin grabs his bag and asks, " you are sick? Shouldn't you go to the hospital?"

Jungkook laughs lightly and declines, "No, thank you, Jimin, for caring about me. It seems to be a stomachache. Maybe I ate something bad yesterday. I'll take some medicine."

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