Ariel was sat like she was a believing sinner in a church pew in Binh's car when he joined her. He said nothing. She was clearly thinking deeply. They had a long drive ahead of them. One he could stretch out by actually following the legally posted speed limits.

Binh drove carefully, adhering to all speed limits, safety laws, was a perfectly safe driver in every way as he drove her back to the city that should be her home. Stopping for a quick lunch along the way. Humans needed multiple feedings per day, and she needed the calories. He could take care of her. His nightshade bloom deserved a home where she knew she belonged and was cherished forever.

Binh had never understood the way other demon's wanted to possess a mortal, keep one forever as theirs. Not until Ariel. He had felt her claim her name. He did not know her full name, or the name of her familiar yet. He had a feeling he soon would. The fire was under her skin, ready to break loose.

Binh was going to need to actively keep the pesky pups away, or they were going to find themselves getting burned on her fire. The penthouse was better guarded from the rest of the building should a fire breakout was another reason he thought moving her into his living quarters could be prudent. Her current apartment shared space or walls with no less than six other apartment units.

They had been driving down the darkening deserted highway, soft endless instrumental music playing to fill the silence for almost an hour before Ariel relaxed from her stiff position. "You're not human." She felt like she could feel it, an extra layer of energy radiating from him, like heat or light, but more intangible to the average senses. Just as she was certain how she was positioned along the compass directions. She started to think it wasn't a feeling she was making up.

Binh didn't say anything. He did nod to give her a response. "Neither am I?" another nod. She needed to connect the dots. She had all the pieces. Ariel needed to see herself for who she was on her own. Binh felt a small press on his mind, from the dreamworld. Ariel also needed to accept her familiar. He added, feeling satisfaction from the raven intrusion.

He could feel her mind working. Wished one of her many, many nightmares would take hold so he could have a better idea what she was actually thinking. Instead he had to wait, and do his best to apply his knowledge of human behaviour to ensure he did not spook his nightshade poppy blossom.

After a long silence. "You said the men today, weren't from my nightmares. Like you knew my nightmares." Ariel accused him. She wasn't dumb. She always heard every word said around her. Was one of the skills that had kept her alive for five years under the cackle.

Binh did not have an easy answer to that question. "That is not the question you want an answer to." He countered.

Ariel looked at him, relaxed and reclined in her seat. Deeply thinking on his words. "What are you?" She asked. Looking at him, the too blue eyes that were far too large and wide in her narrow gaunt face. She needed weeks of regular meals to be healthy again. Binh wanted that for her more than he wanted to taste another of her nightmares.

"You have known true evil, I will not lie to you." Binh said. Keeping his voice even and calm. Feeling her fear begin to creep in at his words. "I am a demon, in name. I feed on nightmares, and those that are based in reality are the most desired by my kind." He paused, watching her face scrunch in a frown as she took in his words. Her body moving away from him. Her fear filling the small cabin space of the car. "I assure you, I mean you absolutely no harm. You need to be alive, and sleeping for nightmares to bloom." All truth and no lies. Dreamers needed to remain alive to have nightmares to sustain him.

Skipping past his answer, Ariel surprised him by doubling back. "The men, at your diner today, what do they want from me?" She asked him. Trying to connect all the disjointed pieces of her life. Figure out what was real and what was not.

Binh had a choice here. He knew of the twin wolves who had come sniffing after his poppy blossom. Knew of their family, their pedigree, knew they were likely decent men after meeting them. He also knew Ariel's nightmares. The cackle that was working with the dark witch who had bound her had twisted the meaning of a mate into something ugly, and cruel. The hyena called all the girls under the witch their mates.

Binh could tell her that the twins wanted nothing more than to love her for the rest of her life, keep her safe and protected. Give her everything she could dream of. Instead, Binh heard his voice answer, "They were wolf shifters. Brothers, who believe you are both of their fated mate." Ariel went pale at the suggestion. Ariel's mind immediately spun a new nightmare, where she was chained to a bed, raped by the two men her raven had shown her to produce endless numbers of babies for them to raise in their packs.

He felt her start to panic. The living nightmare taking hold. "I can keep you." Binh whispered, already using his magic to lull Ariel into sleep for the second time today. He had already been driving for hours, he would need energy to get them back to his domain. As sure as a sunrise, when Ariel fell asleep there was a new nightmare waiting for him to devour.

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