Chapter 24: Six Strings of life

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"The game you're about to play is called 'Six Strings of Life.' Any misstep will lead to elimination," declared the host.

"The rules of the game are as follows:

You will receive six guitar strings and a tab. Your task is to construct a mini guitar by arranging the six strings in the correct order as indicated in the tab. Once you've completed the arrangement, press the buzzer next to the tab to signal the end of the game. If your arrangement is correct, the seventh door will open, allowing you to progress. However, if your arrangement is incorrect, you will be eliminated.

The tab contains numbers from 1 to 28. Your job is to determine the proper number for each string and place it next to the corresponding number on the tab.

To identify the numbers for each string, you will be provided with a pre-strung mesh containing 28 strings. Simply remember the sound produced by each specific string and match it with the corresponding number on the mesh. Each participant will have a designated bar on the wall where they can place their respective strings. Remember the sound and match it with the grid. For example, if the sound of your string matches the sound of string number 25 on the mesh, place your string in position 25 on the tab. Repeat this process for all six strings.

Note that a participant can put only one string at a time in their bar.

This is strictly an individual game, and all activities will be monitored closely. "

"Additionally, each participant will be assigned a specific string name, which will be displayed next to their badge. Throughout the game, you will be addressed only by your string name. Each compartment will accommodate only six people, identified by the string names EH, A, D, G, B, and EL.

All necessary items will be readily provided to you. However, the pre-strung mesh, which provides the answers for the numbering of the strings, will be placed on a four-legged platform demon that will be in constant motion," explained the automated voice.

Now this is what you call a depression challenge , I don't know the first thing about playing guitar. What am I supposed to do?

"Now this is a piece of cake," said Keth, chuckled

Probably Keth knows how to play guitar.

"Please enter through any of the doors in front of you," instructed the host

Eagen and I entered the same door along with four other people. I proceeded to stand next to my name board, noticing the bar designated for me to place my string. Nearby, I observed the tab and buzzer installed on the ground, accompanied by six strings of identical size provided to us.

Gradually, an "EL" appeared next to my badge, indicating that EL was my designated string. Eagen received an "A."

I felt a rush of nerves as I realized my lack of knowledge about guitars. The only thing I knew was that EL represented a low E string, and EH was the high E string.

A creature resembling a lion, but blue in color, stood before me, its back adorned with a mesh containing 28 strings. It loomed much larger than I, and the thought of approaching it filled me with fear. What if it attacked me? Despite its quirky appearance, the creature emanated a menacing aura.

The time limit for this game is 50 minutes.

"Your game begins in 3...2...1," announced the robotic voice, snapping me back to reality.

I carefully selected one of the strings and affixed it to the bar, then plucked it to hear the sound it produced. With each vibration, I listened intently, trying to imprint the sound into my memory. However, I knew that I needed to match it with the corresponding string on the moving mesh before I forgot the sound altogether.

Feeling a surge of determination, I braved the proximity of the lion-like creature and made my way towards its back, where the mesh of strings lay. With cautious steps, I approached, ready to test each string against the ones on the mesh, striving to match the sound before it slipped from my memory.

As the creature halted just before I could approach it, a sudden sound of a string echoed from the speakers ,surrounding the room, causing the demon to spring into action and charge toward me. Frozen in shock, I stood motionless, unsure of what to do. To my astonishment, the creature raced past me without causing any harm, its attention fixed solely on a boy with a B badge.

Confused and bewildered by the turn of events, I watched as the creature pursued the boy, seemingly oblivious to anyone else in the room. It became evident that its target was specific, and it had no intention of causing harm to anyone else. But why was the boy its sole focus? The mystery lingered in the air, leaving me grappling for answers.

As the boy with the B badge sprinted in an attempt to evade the creature, Eagen acted swiftly. With remarkable agility, he managed to climb onto the back of the demon, using the opportunity to listen to the sounds produced by the various strings on its mesh. Moments later, he descended, appearing confident as if he had discovered the answer to one of the strings.

I couldn't help but marvel at Eagen's speed and efficiency. Had he truly tried all 28 strings in such a short span of time? His actions seemed almost supernatural, leaving me in awe of his capabilities.

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