Chapter 19:Sinking Marsh

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"But we still need someone to keep watch," Drake interjected, highlighting the importance of maintaining vigilance even as we rested.

"We can take shifts," Ella suggested.

"I'll take the first shift," Keth volunteered.

"Alright, then I'll take the next one, and after me, Drake can take over. It's important for Eagen and Ella to get some rest," I proposed, organizing the shifts to prioritize the well-being of our team members.

"It's okay, we can manage," Ella insisted.

"No, you two need to rest and heal," I countered, prioritizing their well-being over our immediate needs.

We took turns keeping watch, ensuring that everyone had a chance to rest. When Eagen alerted us that 30 minutes had elapsed, we resumed our journey. As we moved forward, the light of day greeted us, casting a new perspective on our surroundings.

We decided to have breakfast before continuing our journey, a rare moment of agreement even from the reluctant Keth. Ella prepared a generous amount of food, indicating that she had indeed recovered from her injuries. However, our meal was interrupted by some unexpected guests—monkeys, who swiftly snatched our food and fled, leaving us in a desperate chase. In the end, we were left with no choice but to abandon our breakfast and press on. Losing one meal meant that we couldn't afford to miss lunch because the food can be provided only 3 times a day and we lost our one time, so we prioritized moving forward despite our empty stomachs.

"It's okay, everyone. If we stick to the actual time, we've just had our dinner. It's all in our heads; we're actually fine," I reassured the group, trying to boost morale and maintain a sense of perspective amidst the challenges we faced.

As evening descended and hunger gnawed at our stomachs, Eagen, Keth, and I forged ahead, driven by a shared determination to reach our goal. I led the way, navigating the terrain while Keth pressed on with a single-minded focus on completing the game. Meanwhile, Ella and Drake followed behind us, their presence providing reassurance as we continued our arduous journey.

In a sudden and alarming turn of events, the ground beneath me began to give way, revealing a treacherous marshy land below. As I, Eagen, and Keth struggled against the sinking earth, it became increasingly clear that we were in grave danger of being swallowed by the marsh.

"Guys, stop! Don't come any closer, it's a marshy land!" I shouted, desperately urging the others to stay away from the unstable ground.

Ella and Drake, noticing our peril, swiftly retreated, their eyes widening in alarm as they watched us sink deeper into the marsh. With a sense of urgency, they moved away from the unstable ground, ensuring their own safety while keeping a vigilant eye on our predicament.

With every ounce of strength, we struggled to pull ourselves from the sinking marsh, but our efforts seemed futile as we continued to sink deeper. Despite Keth managing to ascend slightly, Eagen and I found ourselves increasingly engulfed by the suffocating mire, our situation growing more dire by the moment.

"We need to help them," Drake declared.

"Does anyone have a rope?" Ella inquired urgently, scanning our supplies for a solution to aid us

"Good idea. Let's use the pine bark to make a rope. During my school's survival training session, I learned how to do it. I'll take care of it," Drake asserted confidently, taking charge of the situation with a plan in mind.

Working quickly and efficiently, they scraped the bark from the pine trees and rolled it into a makeshift rope-like structure. With careful coordination and from a safe distance, they managed to pull Keth out of the marsh without putting themselves in danger.

"Eyes, hold it tight and pull yourself out," Keth instructed, urging me to use my strength and leverage to extricate myself from the marsh.

I pushed Eagen toward the rope and urged him to use it to escape immediately. With determination, he seized the opportunity and made his way out of the sinking marsh.

"Alyssa, grab hold of the rope now!" Eagen's urgent cry pierced the air, signaling for me to act swiftly and secure my escape from the sinking marsh.

As the rope slipped from my grasp, I felt a wave of despair wash over me, the specter of death looming close. Memories of my parent's passing flashed before my eyes, fueling my determination to survive. Summoning every ounce of strength, I fought against the suffocating grip of the marsh, pushing myself upward with all my might. In that moment of desperate struggle, I could hear the panicked cries of my companions, their voices urging me on as I fought for my life.

As I fought against the sinking mud, a sudden tug on my T-shirt jolted me from my despair. Turning, I saw Keth, his determined grip on the makeshift bark rope, just like the first time he had pulled me to the team. With renewed hope, I grasped onto the rope, and with the combined effort of my friends, I was pulled from the clutches of the marsh. It felt like a miracle, a stroke of fortune that I had made it out alive, thanks to the unwavering support of my companions.

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