Chapter 23:Maze of instruments.

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The compartment behind the sixth door was exactly the same as the fifth door, but it had many instruments hanging on the wall.

Suddenly, the sixth door swung open to allow the other participants to enter. Two girls who couldn't make it in time rushed in, but before the door closed, the forest blast caused their blood to splatter on us. Ella began screaming at the top of her lungs, fear evident in her eyes.

Memories of my parent's blood splattering all over me flooded back, and I found myself reliving the nightmare, screaming for help as if I were suffocating. Gasping for air, tears streaming down my cheeks, I collapsed to the ground, overwhelmed by the horrifying memories consuming my mind.

When my eyes met Keth's, I saw him looking at me. "Please help, Keth. Help me one more time, please," I pleaded silently in my mind. I wished desperately for someone to come to my aid, but I couldn't bring myself to vocalize the word "help." It felt as if I were suffocating, unable to breathe. "Someone, please help me... I can't breathe, damn it," I thought, my panic escalating with each passing moment.

Drake held me firmly and delivered a forceful punch to my back, jolting me back to reality and filling my lungs with air. The sudden shock of pain distracted me from my panicked thoughts, allowing me to focus on the sensation and take in much-needed breaths.

"I was even taught to provide temporary solutions for seizures ," Drake said, his gaze fixed on me.

"Oh yeah, thank you so much. But that hurt a lot. It feels like I've broken my spine all at once," I said, laughing through the lingering discomfort.

"I thought you needed one because you looked like you could die, so I didn't want to take a chance," he explained.

Well, maybe thanks," I said with a weary smile.

"By now, you should know what this place is, and you're still in the position of getting seizures like you never knew this was going to happen," Keth remarked bluntly.

"This should not come from a man who was standing and staring at a person dying," I retorted, glaring at him with intensity.

This man just proves how ignorant he is. At this point, I feel ignoring him is the best solution. I wiped the blood from my face with my trembling hands, trying to steady my nerves.

"Get a hold of yourself, Alyssa. We need to win, at least for Mom and Dad," I said, reassuring myself with determination.

All the other participants seemed relieved to have made it alive. The tears in their eyes proved they were just grateful to be alive until now. I had only played one game, and yet I already felt anxious. What about Nathan? Is he alive? Well, he's a model student and excels at everything, so it must be easy for him, but you never know. What about Kate and the others? Are they okay? I have so many questions that can only be answered once I am out of here.

"Everyone, please assemble in the hall," said The Host.

We all gathered in the hall, anticipating the next set of rules.

"As you can see, there are many instruments in front of you. You just have to choose one to enter or to begin your game," said The Host.

"That's it?" said a girl from behind.

"But..." started The Host.

Obviously, there had to be a catch.

"But the wrong choice of instrument will result in elimination," said The Host.

What is this? Now, this is purely based on luck. What to choose?

There were keyboards, guitars, violins, drums, flutes, brass, and many more I didn't even know about.

Now, which will be the right choice and which will be the wrong one?

"You have 3 minutes. By the end of three minutes, wherever you are, that will be your final choice," said The Host.

Keth pushes me aside and moves to stand next to the guitar.

The silent room was filled with noises of people running to different instruments.

There must be some logic. think, Alyssa, think.

What can it be? Should I just go with my gut? Should I go to the keyboard? But my gut has never been right, so should I choose the opposite? Should I go to the brass?

There was no chance I could guess it.

The 5th door had a game with 5 senses, so the 6th door should have something related to 6.

"Which instrument can it be?" Brass kinda looks like 6, so probably that's it.

I go and stand next to the brass with only 3 more people. Why are there so few people?

Is that it? It looks like a 6, that's why?. No, it can't be that.

What can it be?

 Come on, Come on.

A guitar has 6 strings. Yes, it's a guitar.

I ran towards the guitar before the time ended.

"The right instrument is guitar so those who chose the guitar stay where you are  "said the Host.

"Wow, I just followed my gut," Keth exclaimed.

What! He just followed his gut, and I applied all possible logic. But thank goodness I didn't follow my gut.

"The others, please move out through the red door," said the host.

There were loud crying noises as many people moved out through the door. We knew what was going to happen to them.

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