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Published on: 04/8/2024
Edited: 05/29/2024

(v.) to leave without saying goodbye

As I delved into the pages, scenes unfurled in my mind like a captivating movie, each word painting a vivid picture that pulled me deeper into the story's embrace

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As I delved into the pages, scenes unfurled in my mind like a captivating movie, each word painting a vivid picture that pulled me deeper into the story's embrace. With a sigh of relief, I eased back against the sturdy headboard, stretching my weary limbs to find solace in a more accommodating position. My muscles rejoiced, finally free from the strain of my previous awkward posture, hunched over with legs crossed tightly, a prisoner to the captivating tale before me. But I couldn't tear my gaze away; the narrative held me captive, weaving its spell with every turn of phrase.

Grace's signature style had always been a comforting constant, a familiar voice guiding me through the worlds she crafted. Yet, as I turned the pages of this new adventure, I discovered a departure from the norm. No longer was there the distant narrator, but instead, the story unfolded through the lens of a single perspective—my own.

The book's structure mimicked that of a personal diary, as though I had penned each word and sketch myself during my travels. But it was the exquisite illustrations scattered throughout that truly captivated me, each one a vibrant testament to Grace's boundless imagination. I marveled at the intricate details of healing plants, their leaves and colors brought to life with such clarity that it seemed they might leap from the page. How did she conjure such wonders, I wondered, each botanical creation a testament to her remarkable creativity?

With bated breath, I devoured the first twenty pages in a single sitting, oblivious to the passage of time until my eyes caught the small page number in the corner, a gentle reminder of my surroundings. Reluctantly, I closed the book, unwilling to lose myself entirely in its pages while Grace lingered nearby. Yet, unable to resist the pull of the final chapter, I soon found myself drawn back in, immersed in the detailed account of my character's fateful encounter with Arka and Alya. It was as if Grace had plucked the very essence of my emotions from my soul, immortalizing them on the page. And in that moment, I couldn't help but smile, touched by her thoughtfulness.

But amidst the enchanting descriptions of characters and settings, one glaring omission stood out—I found no description of myself. I longed to see how Grace would render me, whether she would capture my likeness faithfully or embellish it with fantastical elements befitting her world. Yet, my identity remained shrouded in mystery, my presence reduced to mere mentions of my name. It was a diary, yes, but oh, how I wished for just a glimpse of myself within its pages...

"Elinor, come to the table!" Aunt Grace's voice sliced through the cocoon of words I'd wrapped myself in, jolting me back to the present moment. With a languid stretch and a soft moan escaping my lips, I tore my gaze from the page, glancing up at the clock perched above the desk. Already? Time had slipped away from me again.

𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓼, 𝓔𝓶𝓫𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓛𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽Where stories live. Discover now