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"What-- Junnie, please, talk to me..."

Haechan tried to grab his best friend's attention, but he seemed to avoid eye contact at all costs. The older stubbornly pretended to not notice him, and his both their hearts shattered just a bit more. Renjun was right there sitting by his side, but he was so out of reach.

Then it was time for math class, which went by faster than Haechan would have wanted. Before he had time to mentally prepare, Mr. Lee was already inside the classroom, and now Haechan and Renjun's desks weren't the only ones that had been separated. The younger immediately noticed the bandages covering his English teacher's right wrist, which confirmed he had actually managed to sprain it while he escaped from Mark's office.

A glint of self-satisfaction appeared in Haechan's eyes.

It disappeared just as fast, anxiety overpowering it completely one he saw the teacher looking in his direction. He lowered his head and repeated behave perfectly in his head like a mantra. Haechan and Mark's situation had changed in over the course of last weekend, but his behavior in class would not, the boy would make sure of it.

And he did, or at least for that one subject. Haechan continued to be the absolute perfect student his school had ever seen; he simply listened to the teacher, took notes attentively and did the exercises, no more or no less. Mark noticed what he was doing, and he hated it exactly like the first day that his student brought his little plan into action.

As the clock struck 05:00 p.m., Mr. Lee officially had no agency over him, and the boy sighed in relief. English class, as well as all the classes for the day, had finally ended, and now it was time for Haechan to address a much more important issue, which was solving what had troubled Renjun to that point.

When he turned to see him, Renjun was already putting on his backpack and about to flee, like he had done right before breakfast and lunch. He walked behind Haechan's chair, and the boy was fast enough to take hold of his wrist, not to hurt him, only to make him stop in his tracks and face him at once.

Renjun was caught by surprise, and as much as he pretended to not be fazed, Haechan could read him like an open book. "Please, stop one second, Junnie," he demanded gently, as if his best friend was a wounded animal that he didn't want to scare away. "Why!?" Renjun suddenly became defensive, "why should I stop!?" He repeated, trying unsuccessfully to free himself from Haechan's hold, who was completely lost, "I don't understand why you're acting like this!"

Jaemin and Jeno were watching the scene unfold in shock, never had they seen those two talk to each other like that. They were focused trying to discover what had angered their friend to such extreme, but by now, it was not only them staring, but also some of their classmates. Feeling exposed, Renjun lowered the volume almost to a whisper that only Haechan could hear, "...haven't you been clear enough with me a-already?" 

His voice broke, and Haechan had the urge to hug him, but he knew it would not be welcomed by the other. Using his chance, Renjun pulled his arm away quickly, making the younger let go. "Leave me alone," his eyes were beginning to water again, yet he simply turned around and walked away, without giving Jeno, Jaemin or Haechan a chance to go after him.

And then he realized. Students weren't the only ones who had seen it happen, but the teacher was watching too. Haechan caught Mr. Lee staring. Their eyes met, and he curled his hands into fists when he distinguished the ghost of a smirk in his face. As much as he wanted to erase it forever, he gathered his things in a rush and ran outside, searching for his best friend and also leaving the two lovebirds behind.

Haechan finally made it to the school entrance, but Renjun was nowhere in sight, not even in the street. He ran a hand through his hair, his mind going into overdrive trying to think about what to do next. Should I go to his house? No, that sounds like a terrible idea. Sighing, he simply went back home.

He walked feeling troubled. It was crystal clear now that he had been the cause of Renjun's pain, but he didn't understand what he had done so wrong. Haechan gave it some thought and then some more, overanalyzing everything he had done since they bid goodbyes last Friday, trying to find a clue.

He got no results.

In his room finally, the boy could think in peace. He took out his phone, eventually turning it on after deciding on sending Renjun a text, knowing for sure he wouldn't answer his calls. The first thing he noticed was that there were no texts or calls from any unknown number, who would probably be Mr. Lee, and so he felt content.

However, after finding Renjun's private chat, he saw something strange, something that wasn't supposed to be there. Six messages he couldn't remember sending, and one word which caught his attention the most: hate.


remember what I told you!

text me if you need anything 

renjun, you can't seem to get a hint so I'm gonna be very direct with you, please stop texting me, or even better, stop talking to me

I thought I had made it clear that I only hung out with you and even let you join my friend group cause you stuck to me all the damn time

and now you have feelings for me? can't you see??? it was all out of pity, nothing else

everyone has got so tired of you, especially me

so yeah, if you still have some self-respect left, you will listen when I tell you that I don't want you to sit by my side anymore, and please, don't dare show up at my work again

you're pathetic, I hate you so much


This actually hurt to write, like for real

But more than 1000 words, yayyyy

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