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It was shortly after that when people started to arrive to the classroom.

The previous uncomfortable silence between the five of them was slowly filled by the sound of other students taking their seats and their voices as they chatted with one another. No more words were exchanged between Mr. Lee and his most punctual students. Haechan let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, finally able to relax for a short bit. Class was about to start.

"He was taunting you. You know that, right?" Renjun whispered to his best friend, "yeah, I know." Haechan smiled reassuringly, the latter returning the smile instantly. "I mean..." Renjun pondered for a couple of seconds. "You've seen how he acts in class, he takes pleasure in showing how powerful he is," Haechan chuckled upon hearing that. He couldn't agree more. "Don't worry, I won't let it get to me."

And so his mind was made up. At that moment Haechan decided to simply avoid his new neighbor as much as he possibly could. The fact that it was also his teacher who they were talking about didn't help, of course, but he would at least try his best to remain unnoticed from now on.

With burning eyes, Mark stared at Haechan and Renjun, specially at how their desks were attached right next to each other. He did not particularly enjoy how intimate the two seemed to be, but he was going to fix it, one step at a time. The first step starting right then and there.

Mr. Lee cleared his throat, and all students quieted down immediately, "I have decided that during my classes, I want everyone separated. From now on, no more desks placed in couples," multiple pairs of eyes stared at each other. Regardless, nobody dared to be the first one to move. "Oh! My apologies," Mr. Lee started sarcastically. "Have I perhaps not made myself clear?" 

Finally the ones from the first row started to move their desks so that they were all placed separately, the rest of the class following. Frustrated and confused, Haechan now had one more reason to not like this class. On the other side, Mark was pleased, especially when seeing the distance he had created between Renjun and Haechan. 

"Alright, now if everyone is ready we will begin the lesson." Mr. Lee stated dryly. Let's get it over with, his favourite student thought. And during the whole course of this English class, Haechan made sure that he always stayed quiet and kept his head low as to not make eye contact with the teacher or accidently grab his attention. He didn't want to give him the pleasure to provoke him.

Mark noticed. And even though it certainly annoyed him, he couldn't help but feel proud that he had this effect on his student. It was a couple of times when he caught himself daydreaming about what it meant for them now that Haechan was also his neighbor and everything that could ever happen between the two. Mark had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling out of nowhere.

Class went by surprisingly fast, Haechan having lost track of time due to being so focused on trying to stay invisible. "That's it for today, have a good weekend." And the boy finally felt like he had room to breathe again. Mr. Lee packed up his things as the students placed their English books back into their backpacks, eager to lose sight of them for the whole weekend. The teacher's favourite student wasn't an exception of that.

Right before leaving, Mark made sure to take an extra look at Haechan. After all, he wasn't going to see his face until the next Monday, so he wanted to memorise it as much as possible, to keep it sculpted inside his mind. The boy, noticing someone staring, looked up only to find the last person he wanted to see, already looking at him. Haechan lowered his gaze just as fast.

After the teacher eventually left for good, everyone placed the desks right were they had been before. Renjun and Haechan's desks as well as Jeno and Jaemin's were placed in pairs again, something that made the four of them thankful. They smiled at each other.

"Something tells me that I'm gonna hate his classes even more." Jaemin spoke, trying to chuckle despite his words being sincere. Jeno ruffled his hair, "don't worry, it's just three times a week, what could go wrong?" Haechan also decided to cling onto that thought, because it would make things easier for the time being.

There was one more class ahead of them, and as it was the very last subject before the long-awaited weekend, it felt like it lasted for hours on end. The fact that it was maths did not make it easier at all. When he was about to lose the last string of hope, classes for the day came to an end.

"Finally!" Haechan let out, unable to contain his excitement (but still making sure that the teacher wouldn't hear, not wanting to earn himself a second detention in the same week). After packing all their things, the group went to Jisung and Chenle's class to reunite with their younger friends before making their way to the main entrance of school and leave.

But this time, Haechan made sure to go home using a different path than yesterday.

Teacher's Pet | MarkHyuckWhere stories live. Discover now