• Chapter 02

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Going back to class was as chaotic as Haechan remembered.

Students running around, greeting each other, laughing out loud... Haechan tried his best to spot his friends and not bump into anyone. He finally saw them; Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung were all together at the end of the corridor.

Smiling mischievously, his brain already started working on possible ways to tease any of them. He approached the group quietly and ruffled Renjun's hair. "Yah! Stop it!" The older yelled, fixing his locks of hair. "Good to see you too," he grinned at his friend and then turned to the rest of the group. "How are you guys doing?"

"Not bad," shrugged Jeno, earning a few nods from Chenle. "Just a bit tired," Jisung finally spoke, right before yawning. "Cute!" Jaemin screamed in a high-pitched voice, making everyone wince. He went to the youngest to try and pinch his chubby cheeks, "ouch! Nana, stop!" "Jisungie, you're too cute!"

It went like that for a few seconds until Jeno had to grab Jaemin to save Jisung, whose cheeks were now red. "Jaem, control yourself." The youngest went to hide behind Chenle, who was trying very hard not to laugh at his whining best friend.

Haechan then checked his watch and their good mood vanished slightly. "It's almost time, we should go to class." "Yeah," Renjun spoke, "see you guys later." He told the younger ones, who took a different course due to their age difference, but luckily they could all spend lunch together at the school cafeteria later.

Haechan, Renjun, Jeno and Jaemin made their way up the stairs and towards their class, thankful that at least the four of them were classmates. They got to their classroom and were immediately greeted by familiar faces. Haechan sat in his old seat besides Renjun, who sat next to the window, and with Jeno and Jaemin behind them.

This was going to be their last year in high school. They were happy about it but somehow also sad, knowing that these were the last months they got to spend lots of time together before each of them found his own path.

More than that, Haechan felt that there was something off, like this year was going to be different, what he didn't know was if it would be in a good or a bad way.

The day went by smoothly, or as smoothly as a school day can go by. A different teacher entered and left the class depending on which subject was next. The good part was that this was just the first day, so each class felt more like a 'welcome back' class rather than an actual class. The teacher of the penultimate lesson decided to finish a bit earlier, so now they had a few minutes of spare time before the last one arrived.

"Renjunnie..." Haechan tried to side-hug his seatmate, knowing how Renjun had a particular dislike for skinship. "Hey!" Renjun yelled, lifting his fist to pretend that he was going to hit Haechan, who knew him well enough to be fully sure that he was faking it.

After some random talking with Jaemin, Jeno and Renjun, Haechan decided to check his phone from under the table. A few minutes passed and suddenly all the yelling died down.

Taken aback, Haechan lifted his gaze, only to find an unknown man entering the classroom.

Teacher's Pet | MarkHyuckKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat