• Chapter 09

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"Wait, what?"

Haechan's mother offered her best deadpan expression to both her husband and child, "c'mon, you two heard me perfectly." The boy groaned, already imagining how the meeting would go; he was not fond of those types of awkward situations.

"And," she emphasized, "I want you to be on your best behavior," she stated aloud, talking in plural but her eyes focusing mostly on her mischievous son. "Yeah, yeah, whatever..." Haechan pursed his lips. "Hey!" His dad interrupted, tickling his son's side tenderly, "don't you roll your eyes at your mother."

It was not long after that that Haechan decided to call it a day and just go to bed. After all, it had been an exhausting day. Tomorrow would be a lot nicer though, because a certain teacher did not teach his class on that particular day.

With that thought in his mind, Haechan drifted off faster than he would have expected.

And just like that, the following day went by smoothly. Classes were as uneventful as ever, for which Haechan couldn't be more grateful. At the school cafeteria, he spent the entire lunch time with Jisung, Chenle, Jaemin, Jeno and Renjun, instantly forgetting the bad day he endured yesterday.

Now back at home, Haechan was getting ready for his not-so-enthusiastic meeting with the new neighbor. It reminded him of how he almost got caught staring at him from behind the window the same morning he disrupted his sleep by moving in. That made Haechan cringe at himself.

He threw himself on the bed, suddenly hearing the sound of a piece of paper crumpling slightly. "Mmh?" Haechan whined, taking the piece of paper from beneath him. He scoffed when he realized what it was: the paragraph he had to write about himself on the first English class.

His eyes travelled from the top to the bottom of the wrinkled paper sheet. It was truly nothing out of the ordinary, just a couple of grammatical or vocabulary corrections here and there. But what gained the boy's attention was right under the text he wrote. Written in bright red ink, Mr. Lee had left a short note.

Very interesting! Looking forward to knowing more of you ;)

Well, that certainly caught him off guard. Haechan found it strange, but he guessed that it was something that his teacher had written in everyone's paper. Regardless, that winky face at the end made it feel weird.

He didn't have much time to think about it, as his mom called him from downstairs, his parents waiting for him to go and greet their neighbor next door. "Coming!" He yelled, throwing the paper somewhere in his room, the note long forgotten as he ran down the stairs, ready to leave.

Haechan stood in between his parents during the twenty-second walk that lasted from his house to the neighbor's. Now in front of the neighbor's front door, he started to get nervous. Haechan's dad was the one who rang the doorbell, eager to just get this over with and go back to their house.

The door opened moments later, and Haechan refused to look up, instead stared at the man's shoes. He heard his mother starting to create a conversation. "Good evening, we are your next-door neighbors, and since you moved in so recently we wanted to pass by..." The rest of the words became blurry and senseless in Haechan's ears as he was beginning to zone out, the whole dialogue fading into the background.

That is, until he heard the new neighbor speak for the first time. "Haechan?"

Horrified, Haechan recognized the voice easily, by now knowing exactly who the person standing right in front of him was. He hesitated for a second before finally gaining the courage to look up, and his lips parted.

"Mr. Lee?"

Teacher's Pet | MarkHyuckWhere stories live. Discover now