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Hello!! Does anybody remember me? :(

I'm so so sorry for not updating in a while, I really wanted to, but I didn't have time or even inspiration. Just know that I won't ever leave this story uncompleted, that's for sure. Hopefully now I can try to stick with the weekly updates!

This is a longer chapter, so I do hope that you enjoy it. Also, not to be that person, but votes and comments really help a lot <3

Much love

Just say no.

"Alright..." Haechan went to grab a chair from a nearby table while he scolded himself for not being able to utter a simple nope. As to urge the boy to sit down right next to him, Mark tilted his head, but Haechan pretended not noticing and placed the chair at the other end of the table instead; in front of the teacher but at a much safer distance.

Mark was aware of that, but decided to say nothing so that Haechan would feel like he was more in charge, and therefore, allow himself to let down his guard. Mr. Lee looked at the boy, watching intently how he shifted in his seat to try to busy himself in order to avoid thinking about what he'd just gotten himself into.

"So what do you like?" Hearing that, Haechan almost choked on his spit, a fit of coughs immediately following. Mr. Lee quickly offered him his drink, which his student took and drank from. He placed the glass back on the table and Mark could not help biting his lower lip when he realized... the oblivious Haechan had drank from exactly the same part of the glass as he himself did before. "S-sorry?"

The boy spoke in a raspy voice, his throat still sore from all the coughing. Mark, trying to pretend like he wasn't enjoying seeing the student in such a flustered state, answered nonchalantly, "to drink, I mean." "Oh," Haechan suddenly understood, and before he realized, the teacher was already signalling one of his coworkers to get his next order.

"Wait... that's really not necessary." Mr. Lee paid him no mind, "I insist." "But I don't even know if I'm allowed!" Out of frustration, Haechan had raised his voice, taking both of them by surprise. Getting embarrassed, he explained what he meant, now in a lower voice, "It's just that I'm still in my work shift."

Technically, Haechan could do whatever he wanted during these fifteen minutes, they were his break, after all. But the boy had to try the lamest excuse he could muster in order to avoid spending more time alone with his client, who just so happened to be his teacher.

Speaking of the devil, he stood firm. "Please, it's no bother," Mark knew he was pushing his luck in that moment. Normally he was never one to let his control slip away, but he had a golden opportunity before him and he was going to take it. Haechan nodded his head, a bit reluctantly, but Mark concluded that a win was still a win.

That was just in time for Shotaro to arrive, ready to write down anything they wanted. He looked at Haechan first, then at Mr. Lee, and then at Haechan once again, wondering what was going on between them. Right then and there, the poor boy would have wanted nothing but to know Morse code just to blink SOS to his friend.

"He's gonna have a...?" His teacher's voice brought him back from his daydream. "Uhh, yeah, just a taro milk tea, please," Haechan told Shotaro. "Alright," the latter spoke, again looking back and forth between the two. The waiter felt a bit conflicted, thinking that maybe his friend needed him to intervene.

Much to Haechan's dismay, Shotaro eventually left them to get his order ready. Now he was all alone with Mr. Lee again. I should have just gone to spend my break in the staff room, he thought, leaning down as to look at his fidgety hands laying on his lap, a quiet sigh leaving his lips. Haechan was disappointed with himself for not having seen all of this coming.

But Mark hated not having his favorite student's attention on him, specially after having been deprived of it for weeks, hence he aimed to have it right back. "So you're a student and you also work, that's impressive." Haechan was taken aback by the compliment. "T-thanks, but it's not that much, I only work on Saturdays." 

"Oh, really? I guess that explains why I haven't seen you here before." Haechan furrowed his eyebrows, lost. "I mean, I usually come here a lot, also on weekdays. This is my favorite spot," Mark explained, seeing his student's confused expression. He was actually surprised at how easily such a blatant lie left his lips, but he wasn't particularly worried about it.

"I see," Haechan spoke awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. Fortunately for him, he was saved by Shotaro coming again, this time with his beverage ready. "Here you go, let me know if you need anything else," he said before turning specifically to his colleague. "Anything at all," Shotaro added with an earnest expression of his face.

Haechan nodded and when Shotaro had left, he instantly turned his attention to the drink placed in front of him, almost drinking half of it in one sitting. He supposed that finishing it would be a good excuse to get out of this situation. "Slow down," Mark laughed.

The teacher faked a lighthearted laugh but knew exactly what his student was machinating. In turn, Haechan was aware that Mr. Lee could read him like a book, and Haechan hated how Mark always seemed to be one step ahead of him. He hated everything about their dynamic. He hated the power Mr. Lee held over him but mostly he hated how he made him feel, especially the goosebumps that littered his skin whenever they touched or made eye contact. 

Haechan knew for certain; something about that teacher was messed up, but the worst was that he seemed to appear everywhere he went. The boy would make sure to continue being extra careful, as he had been for the past two weeks, but now that he knew both where he lived and worked, even more. 

Another chuckle from Mark made his student turn his attention back to him, and it took him all his might to not jump out of shock. Mr. Lee had stood up and was leaning forward to him, bringing his hand to the corner of Haechan's mouth. With a gentle movement, Mark brushed his thumb on the side of his upper lip, wiping off some remaining taro milk tea.

Right after that, Mr. Lee sat back down and not once taking his eyes off Haechan, he placed the same thumb inside his mouth, tasting what the boy had ordered. Mark now smiled and batted his eyelashes at his student innocently, while said boy stood frozen, eyes wide and mind blank.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love taro milk tea?" Mr. Lee teased.

Teacher's Pet | MarkHyuckWhere stories live. Discover now