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Haechan didn't need to be told twice.

Not trusting his own voice, he nodded his head quickly and reached for his backpack, which was on the floor. Haechan felt too self-aware, knowing that his teacher hadn't taken his eyes off him, it felt like he forgot how to control his own body, every movement floppy.

Finally getting up, Haechan almost tripped in his own feet. Great, just great, he thought. He quite literally embarrassed himself in front of the very teacher who was scolding him not even a minute ago, so now he just hoped that his blush was not very noticeable.

Mark couldn't contain his grin, "are you alright?" He asked in an almost teasing manner. Before the younger could answer, he stepped away quickly, noticing how Mr Lee was about to stand up to help him regain his balance. That gesture turned Mark's grin into a frown, but nonetheless he said nothing.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine" Haechan reassured, mentally cursing at himself for stuttering. He offered him a small smile as to say goodbye and quickly left the classroom, eager to just go home.

Mark was left alone. He stood still for a few minutes, daydreaming about what could have yet did not happen, but then reaching the inevitable and bitter conclusion that his favourite student didn't seem to be so comfortable around him.

Something needed to be done about that.

Sighing, Mr. Lee made his way to his office to grab the rest of his things. As he was walking down the hallway to get to the stairs and to the parking lot, he noticed the droplets of water starting to appear on the window besides him.

It was raining, something that Haechan only realized the second he stepped outside the main entrance of the school. It would have caught him off-guard if it wasn't for his mom having reminded him to take an umbrella before leaving the house that morning.

Haechan opened the umbrella and placed it above his head right after putting on his earphones. The sound of the rain was long forgotten as he pressed play on a random song in his favourite playlist. His mood now lifting, Haechan began his way back home, deciding on walking instead of taking the bus as usual.

About halfway home, he stopped at a crossroad, the traffic light red. While waiting for it to turn green, Haechan took out his phone to check for any messages in the group chat of his best friends slash classmates.

00 dreamies squad


how did it go??


kinda awkward

but at least it's over


for now lol


dude :')


nana leave him alone

but yeah... try not to get caught next time



The screeching of car tires brought his attention back to the road in front of him. Looking at the side from below the edge of the umbrella, the sight made him freeze. The person behind the wheel was him, who he was just texting about.

Tensing, Haechan quickly lowered his umbrella as to hide his face and luckily avoid being seen.

In a matter of seconds, he heard Mr. Lee's car passing by him. Haechan tentatively lifted his umbrella and saw how he turned around the corner in the same direction that he will follow. He sighed dejectedly; if they happened to live close by, he just hoped that at least they don't run into each other again.

Haechan reentered the group chat and texted back a quick I won't before placing his phone inside his pocket and crossing the road. The rain seemed to have increased and the boy found himself regretting not having taken the bus.

It was ten minutes later when he arrived home, wet from head to toes, only to be scolded by his mom for not taking better care of himself. Today is not my day, he thought.

After having showered and put on some comfy clothes, he spotted his English book halfway under the bed. "There you are," he chuckled, "you caused me some trouble today." Haechan settled the book in his backpack, determined to never forget it again.

Placing his hands on his hips, he looked around the mess that he liked to call his bedroom. So it was clear now why he did not manage to find his book until a moment ago. "Yeah... maybe I should tidy up my room."

Immediately after saying that, Haechan heard a giggle coming from behind him. "Maybe?" Said the voice belonging to that laugh. "Mom!" The boy yelled, embarrassed. "What? I'm just saying..." She spoke, looking around her son's room.

"Get out of my room!" By now Haechan became all flustered, and was about to close the door until she stopped him. "Dinner is ready, if you don't come down right now I'll eat your dessert." She singsonged walking down the stairs. "Wait!" Her son immediately followed her towards the dinning room.

Haechan greeted his dad, who arrived barely minutes ago and was just now helping laying the table. "How was your day?" He asked, ruffling his son's hair. "Not bad," Haechan made sure not to mention anything about the uncomfortable encounter with his teacher.

"Oh! I almost forgot." Haechan's mother expressed. "Guys, don't make any plans for tomorrow evening," she mentioned, which caught the attention of her husband. "Why do you say that?"

"Because we'll meet our new neighbour."


It's totally okay if you prefer not to comment, I don't usually do it a lot either, but at least gimme that vote
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