He's definitly feeling the bond, "of course, I'm just going to get you some food encase you get hungry" I tell him softly before leaving the room to head downstairs.

I see the guys having a deep conversation as I plate up some food for him "this is only going to get worse, maybe we should go back to the doctor" Colt suggests "there's nothing they can do, he has to go through this" Hank replys.

"He's just got a fever, it's not that bad just yet" I tell them trying to calm there nerves.

I take the plate up to my room to see Seb snuggled under the covers, he's so fucking cute.

I put the plate on the side encase he decides he wants it.

I lay next to him keeping him company even as he peacefully sleeps. Atleast a couple hours go by before I look at my phone, it's now 10pm.

A very small knock echous through my ears from the front door, Seb has good hearing but it didn't wake him up. His senses probably aren't at its best since he's not feeling great, I wonder who that is at this time of night.

I give it half an hour before deciding to sneak away for a bit to check on what's going on downstairs, some faint arguing fills my ears as I walk towards the stairs and head downstairs.

Colt, Hank and some figure stands in the living room, as I get closer I recognise the features of this she wolf.


Colt had a small fling with lia for a while till he decided he wasn't interested in her anymore, they only used each other for sex and nothing more yet she's always believed she's his mate.

As I walk towards them I can feel the anger coming of there body's as there argument gets more heated, I quickly step in thinking of our pup.

"Quieten it down, Sebs trying to sleep" I tell them firmly. Lia looks at me before licking her lips, ugh she is a disgusting she wolf.

She has it good with looks but her personality is anything but, she must have slept with the whole pack by now. "Is there a reason your here, I thought you and Colt weren't seeing each other anymore" I say to her trying to keep it professional.

"Me and Colt are mates, you can't get rid of me that easily" the way she looks at Colt makes me sick to my stomach, I can't imagine how hard he's holding himself back from ripping her throat out right now.

"We aren't mates Lia, we have no bond and never have. You should leave now" I'm proud at how calm he is being.

"But Alpha, we are meant for each other" the way she uses the word Alpha could not be more disrespectful.

She's not using it as a respected title she's using it as a disgusting flirtatious pet name. I'm surprised how calm Colt is being, "Lia, I suggest you leave before you make matters worse for yourself" instead of obeying her Alpha she takes a step closer to him before placing a hand on his chest.

A deep growl leaves his throat in warning yet she does not listen, "lia that's enough. Respect your Alphas and leave!" Hank takes control seeing how bad this could get.

Lia groans taking a step back before her eyes spark up, "but I have something important to say" she speaks in her whiney voice, how is she still in our pack. I don't know why we haven't kicked her out yet.

"Say it and then leave" Colt replys. She goes silent before looking up at Colt "I'm pregnant" the room instantly goes silent except from a small creek of the floor boards making all our heads turn.

My heart stops as I see Seb standing at the last step looking at us in shock, it's like times stood still.

No one's moving and the expression on Sebs face breaks my heart, he quickly changes it to a dull one before heading up the stairs again.

The Theif 2! A pups little sideWhere stories live. Discover now