Chapter 7

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"Do we know each other?" My smile fell at this.

Of Course she doesn't remember you ,idiot. I cleared my throat and glanced at the drink passed by the bartender "Tropical Bliss, on the rocks" He smiled before taking another order. Being a weekday there isn't much rush.

My eyes locked with the ocean blue eyes who is looking at me with eagerness and waiting for her answer. Oh yes, the answer I couldn't think of if she keeps staring at me this way. The world around me slowly starts fading away ,the music which was banging in my ears earlier is now playing the sweetest melodies, as if there is only the ocean I could see and drown to and the only person I could see is only her and I like a lost fish keep swimming and never find its way to the shore. Enola.

I snapped out of trance when she chugged down the whole glass ,then banged harshly at the bar counter. With the back of her palm ,she wiped the drops of the spilled drink in the lower lips.

The next moment she slipped out of the bar stool and started moving towards what seemed like an exit door. My feet as if having their own brain followed her and I with a smile on my face looked at her. As she navigated her way towards the exit, her steps took on a whimsical dance, a tipsy ballet that left me with an endearing smile. There was a certain charm in her slightly unsteady gait, a playful grace that tugged at my heartstrings, finding an unexpected cuteness in her.

Enola, weaving through the bar's crowd, reaches the exit with a sway in her step. I was just 2 feet behind her to catch on if she stumbled. As soon as we were out , she leans on the terrace railing with her eyes closed, the light breeze like a tender whisper, brushes her soft skin ,her hair dancing along in a rhythm bringing serenity in the atmosphere, amidst the lively club. I wish the time could stop as I enjoy this view.

After savoring her moment taking her sweet time she slowly lifted her lids with the same tender smile on her face, unaware of my presence beside her. With a deep breath she leaves the railing and takes two steps backwards, her heels tripped and she was about to fall, my hands in a reflex held onto her waist, her hands wrapped around my collar, eyes still closed, cheeks flushed red, lush lips slightly parted, eyebrows furrowed ,our faces few inches away, ever so slowly she opened her intoxicated eyes "Am I in heaven?"she asked, making me chuckle and I shook my head in a 'no'.

The next second she gasped, "Are you following me Mr. Stranger ?"she slurred a little, while poking her fingers on my chest as we were still in the same position, my body feeling her soft skin. As if realizing, she stood on her feet and my body immediately missed her warmth.

"Well, I was alone so were you, giving you a sweet company, sounded better" I completed while removing my jacket cause the weather is chilly and was wearing a strapped dress, I wrapped around it while she just stood there as she clasped onto the hem of her dress.

She shook her head vigorously "That's what every kidnapper says, Mr. Brown eyed man" while hiccuping in between ,her words slightly slurred. Mr. Stranger?Brown eyed man? Seriously? I should let her know my name before I bag another name .

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