Chapter 3

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Her footsteps echoed with each step in the hallway of the office building as people grew silent , greeting her on the way and getting curt nods to no response in return ,while making her way towards the cabin . She doesn't care if they think her being cold unless she gets her work done on time .

She stepped inside her office and slumped onto her chair. It does feel good after returning from a 2 month business trip. She closed her eyes , opened it the next second hearing the door click, there enters the most annoying person flashing the most polite yet fake smile on her way.

Liam, her personal secretary, a 36 year old man with olive skin, light subtle ,dark hair gelled back, dressed in navy suit. And the one who never lets her do things in her own way.

"Good morning Ms.Harper , hope you had a safe flight" , he said when Enola burned holes in his head glaring at him.

" Good" she yawned "morning". "Thanks to my generous secretary I did".

"You haven't slept despite having a day late flight " he stated more than he asked. Liam is a brother to her first ,his profession comes later for her.

Despite being graduated with highest score, he chose to be with her , leaving his dream behind. Even after her lot of pleas , tantrums and lots of blackmail, he stayed rooted with her in her highs and lows. He is happy where he is and more than happy for Enola , though they do not share kinship ,they treat each other more than that who share.

"I was going through the files about the new project ,so I lost the track of time". He rolled his eyes at response.

"I planned in a way so you can rest atleast . Don't tell me you even forgot to eat that night". One thing he doesn't like about her being workaholic is she can skips meals if not reminded . And he took sole concern to bring her back to human form .

She shrugged her shoulders "You were not my manager there ", she smirked " The one I had let me on my own".

"You mean, you 'threatened' her in doing so" . He narrowed his eyes.

" I am not that scary" she replied, offended ,though she is used to him stating facts on her face without fearing. "Anyways ,I got that hacker from that convenience store . Fill into his details to HR department" .

" There were other simpler methods to get him ,yet you chose this trick" .He is used to her tricks . If she wants it she gets it by hook and crook. " What's so special in him?".

"He cracked the code in seconds ,which our IT employees failed to do . I had to get him".

"You can't let any child walk into our office, Enola" he argued, pissed by her behaviour as always.

" I want it , I got it " she smiled , earning his glare . " Now if you are done with teaching me crash course in management, shall we proceed with today's schedule".

He signed, shaking his head ,before reading out her day's schedule.


Harvey spotted Colton Evans ,his best buddy who competes with him in eSports, COO of the company, the grumpy but best to have fun with.

He rolled his eyes looking at his smirking face and handed his coffee to him , losing yesterday's bet he had to bring him coffee for a week. Also run errands for him just because he lost to the game they played last night.

"Where's 'Mr.I-never-lose-a-game' ?. Tired on the first day ?" Colton tsked at his already pissed friend. Rare are the chances to rile him up and it would be a waste to miss them.

"Be happy with your order for now ,before I add peanuts to it ." considering his peanut allergy, which he would never do it "I am done with today's task " he answered, upset with the fact that he couldn't even get to talk to 'her' at the cafe . His mind fogged with her face ,which brought a small smile on his face , later covering it with a frown looking at Colton ,who was giving him a questioning gaze.

"What's bothering you now?" He asked after taking a sip from the cup .

" Nothing" he can't let him know about the girl who occupied his mind with her presence for mere seconds and left him with coffee- spilled shoes. He will never give him a chance to make fun of his tiny crush or whatever on a random stranger.

Both entered the office and heard slow murmurs and whispers of people talking about 'She is back' , 'I am already scared' ,'She is again pissed' , and some praising her ,'She looks more beautiful than in magazines' , 'I envy her beauty ' , 'Is she single?' . Harvey halted trying to get what got their sudden interest .

He asked "Who are they talking about?"

" You heard them right, the CEO is back , to suck out their souls ." He mumbled the last part to himself .

Harvey scowled , then realised that she went for a business trip and was meant to arrive yesterday but was delayed due to change in climate. He never really saw her ,nor heard anyone talking about her in the office. When he joined two months back , she already left for the trip , not giving him any chance to have a glimpse of her.

He reached his cubicle and Colton to his cabin ,adjacent to that of the CEO .

Soon it was lunchtime and after having lunch ,they were called to the board room for the meeting.

The room was large and had a table enough to fit 20 seats on either side .The rest were given the back seats. He was seated in a way where he was 3 seats away from the mysterious CEO. He was waiting for her to enter and let his curiosity settle down. As on cue she entered, everyone stood up, he too was standing up only to be paused in the mid way.

There she is ,the one he was yearning for a second glimpse .

A smile formed on his lips , remembering their cafe encounter. He was looking at her , who was busy with a call.

The meeting started , which was about last month's progress and about the upcoming project. He was catching glimpses at her , their eyes met for a second , which he averted his eyes after getting caught.

"The meeting rests here . As for the coming up project we will be deciding the next team lead ,based on their new and innovative ideas for The Fall collection with their presentation by the end of the week . Thank you". Concluded the Sales department head , Sasha.

Everyone clapped exiting the room. Where he heard two guys talking "A team lead will get his own cabin ,which would be opposite to Ms. Harper's cabin . If I win I will finally get a chance to be this close to her. Imagine we can go on meetings in the name of dates , long business trips as vacations. I would never miss this" he expressed excitedly as if he had already got it. Harvey scoffed at his words . The sudden urge to slam him to the nearest wall for having such thoughts about her.

But he is clear about one thing. He has to win this . He isn't letting anyone near the cabin. The passion long lost about winning a thing is now back. And Harvey Cowell never loses.

I would dedicate this chapter to my friend ,whom I adore ,who is (not so) patient with my slow updates ,whose review is what I look forward to.

♫︎Happiest birthday habibi♫︎

Here's to many more🥂

Thank you for reading.

Share your thoughts about the chapter.

See ya.
WC :1296.

Lovestruck City जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें