7 - Younger Life

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TIME PERIOD: Hari and her husband, Taemoo, recently moved to Britain for their family, more specifically Hari's sister and her family, as they needed help settling in as also had a slightly better job opportunity for both parents. Jiyoung is not yet born.

'We've looked for a nice little apartment for you all and thank you soo much for coming across countries to help me!' Hari's sister happily expressed.

The little boy, almost three years old, beamed in excitement of a new surrounding. 'I just hope we fit in!' Taemoo said. He smiled a the cute boy, Sunghoon, who happily held his hand and waited to skip over.

TIME SKIP: Now they have arrived to their house and found out that Hari is pregnant.

'H-how do we? W-what do we do? W-hat are we g-going to do!' Hari cried while shivering.
She prayed and prayed that this was false as they were not in a situation to have another kid while not having much money or the state to be in that position.

'Shhh, it's okay, we'll figure it out.' Taemoo calmly comforted while still being worried, if possible, even more than her. He looked around for his phone and called the bank as soon as possible to maybe get a loan.

TIME SKIP: They couldn't get a loan but instead found another sketchy group of people to give them money. This is after Jiyoung is born and Hari is in pain and needs to get an expensive surgery done.

'THANK YOU, I just don't know what to say.' Taemoo cried with happiness in his eyes looking for hope and a shine in his life.

'Just pay back in 3 days and also remember, no backsies!' The grinning man chirped through and evilly laughed.

'B-but..' The shimmer in Taemoo's eyes disappeared as he sank to the floor.

TIME SKIP: They unfortunately couldn't pay and (I don't want to include violence and stuff so nothing like that in detail) have they were unalived by the group of people. Now the kids were sent to the orphanage but not for long as they were both adopted by Yeongro and Guwon.

'I am so happy we could adopt after all that pain of not being able to raise a family with children in it.' Yeongro greatly appreciated the incredible blessing that had come upon the couple.

'Oh yes, let me just finish the paperwork.' Guwon remembered and reassured that this was the best decision to his spouse.

TIME SKIP: Well now the children are 11 and 9 and we're playing around the park nearby the orphanage as they lived close and we're going to fully return to Korea as it was end of Primary for one of them and it was summer holidays.

"Hey look there Jiyoung, I remember that man who always came to our house and played with us! We should say bye before we leave you know!" Sunghoon smiled out pointing at the man who was in charge of the orphanage and always were there to help Yeongro and Guwon.

They made their way along to the orphanage and were skipping along the entire way laughing. Jiyoung stopped and picked a pretty flower to give to nice man.

"Hello, how can I help you both, Sunghoon and Jiyoung?" The sweet man said as quickly as he recognised the two cute children in front of him.

"Well we are leaving this country so we thought to bid our goodbyes to you.' Jiyoung cutely smiled as she gave the pretty flower in her hand to the man.

"Oh really, well then you must take this letter and read it when you want to know the truth about your parents and how they you know.' He soon trailed off not knowing the children didn't know they were adopted after giving the letter to them.

TIME SKIP: The children are home after they read the letter and overheard their parents talking about should they tell the kids about what happened to their real parents. They went to South Korea and now received a letter when the kids are 12 and 15.

'Eomma, there's this letter that is for apparently Jiyoung's parents/carers, can you read it?' Jiyoung sweetly asked as she looked around as she slumped in the couch.

'OH MY GOODNESS' Yeongro screamed and got everyone's attention as they all peered around the letter and read the contents.

The letter stated an invitation to the top secret spy school for Jiyoung and asking her to come to the Uk to study there to become a qualified spy/maybe even detective. This school was under the biggest secret operation program called CoveOps.

TIME SKIP: Now Jiyoung is in the Uk after addressing the pros and cons of studying there as she often visited Korea and same to the other in the family. She was living in one of the exclusive dorms of CoveOps school as she is a respected student as she excelled in almost all areas/perspectives.

Jiyoung now had a report saying she can do she first mission still as a student but in Korea itself and she delightedly accepted the challenge excited. This is how she came to Korea and her past. One of her biggest secrets, actually the biggest, is how she knows about her real parents and her greatest thrive is that she needs to find out how her real parents got you know and to avenge for them.


Thank you sooo much for reading all this and tell me what else should be added or what you would like to know as I can answer those questions. Next chapter will be back to the present and consist more of the original storyline and tell me how much you like this story. Han Seojun will be back on Jiyoung's mind btw so don't worry about him being left as I'm tryna make it seem that Seojun is already simping over her and it will be returned. Give me more ideas that you like and I'll try to add them into this story.

Made for each other - Han Seojun ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang