2 - New School

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'Park Jiyoung, get up you'll be late!' Jiyoung's mum, Yeongro, said while shaking her to wake her up. 'Eomma, please I wanna sleep!' Jiyoung whined towards her. 'Jiyu, you have to get up, it's your first day of school.' She said as she was about to drag her to the bathroom to force her to get ready.

'Fine, I'll get ready! You can let go of me.' Jiyoung finally said. After she got ready and up for school, Jiyu had to scatter around in her room to find what she is meant to have for school. 'What's for breakfast eomma? I'm soo hungry!' She pleaded to her mum.

'There you go,' Yeongro passed her a plate of food and then proceeded to say 'Hurry through since you have to get there soon.' Jiyu rushed off when she was finished.

'WOW, WOW, WOW!' The head teacher exclaimed as he was shocked at her results on her exams. All the teachers had come there and had the same reaction when they saw the paper of her scores leading to one of them saying 'Wow, this school is taking really bright and the opposite of them these days.' They said pointing to the paper which had the heading of IM JUGYEONG.

They all looked up to Jiyoung when she mumbled 'Do you know where my class is sir?'. Which was replied with 'Sure, I'll take you there our bright student' which was said with a shining smile on his face. As they walked to the class which was not far away but still covered a lot of questions about her life. This was half made up but very believable as she was trained to do such things at her Academy/Training Centre at England.

She was about to walk in but then remembered she had to be introduced to walk inside. 'Please, come in.' Mr Han said leading to his next sentence of 'Welcome your new classmate, Park Jiyoung, please welcome her and treat her nice, my class.' Everyone was in awe of her looks and even more when they remembered Mr Han said she was smart.

'Waaa, we have 5 beauties now: Lee Suho, Han Seojun, Kang Sujin, the newly Im Jugyeong and the latest Park Jiyoung.' Hyunkyu said which spoke for the whole class. 'Yes, yes and Jiyoung why don't you sit next to Seojun over there? Seojun, wave your hand so she can see you.'

The Han boy did as he was told annoyed at everyone fanboying/fangirling over Jiyu who also did as she was told. The rest of the day was  quite normal, no that's a lie, it was not so pleasant as SOO MANY people tried to be friends or pester her about who she is or where she's from and basically her whole life.

As she was walking out of the school, she opened her phone and saw an email from her Academy/hopefully soon work company, CoveOps Head, abbreviation is COH. It said to come to the head office and receive her first mission at 5:30pm. She glanced at her watch which read 4:35pm, she had to get there real quick.

'Eomma?' She called over the phone, 'I have to get my mission so I'll be late to home.' She said confidently. 'Okay then Jiyu, be safe!' Yeongro replied worried but still excited for her daughter.

Remember, I will update new chapters once a week or twice a week if I'm free.

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