4 - New Shift

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Narrating Seojun:

'Hello Jugyeong, I got this new shift you know.' Seojun said which startled poor Imju. ' Waa you scared me' Imju muttered to the sudden action of the Han boy.

They looked at each other when the Han boy said 'I'm not a stalker!'. Jugyeong just laughed at the weird interaction Seojun had preformed. 'I-uh-erm' The taller boy got out.

Seojun was just lost for words as he repeated the exact same conversation with Jiyu in his mind who got on his brain and had him distracted for his whole shift he looked forward to.

He looked around if he could see her leaving or something just to know what she's doing. The rest of the shift was normal, no that's a lie. Seojun was not focussed and messed up most orders which he got in trouble by the boss for.

Back to Jiyoung:

'Eomma, I'm soo tired. What's for dinner?' She weakly got out as she slouched on the sofa wearily. 'We thought you might be tired so we're gonna go out and bring you something for dinner. It might be late so you're free to make anything you'd like. Bye honey!' Her mum quickly bid her daughter a bye and trailed off to her favourite restaurant.

As much as Jiyu might not be thought to be like a person who's good at cooking but it's quite the opposite. Her cooking was always nice, anyway, as she made way to the kitchen she saw a note:

Hey, I probably forgot to tell you but if you cook something, could you drop some off to my friend as she is at (Hospital Name) Hospital as she's sick. Buy some flowers and tell her I'll come soon. Her name is Lee Mihyang and I already told her you might be coming. Have a good time hon!😊 - Eomma

She let out a sigh as she got out the ingredients needed to make a few dishes that no 17 year old could do, or so thought that. She put her hair into a ponytail and got to work as well as blasting music of her fav playlist, mostly Taylor Swift and Kpop.

When Case 143 came up by Skz she got full dance mode and did the choreography with perfection. She went back to cooking right after taking in deep breaths after the dance. She set everything in the boxes and successfully made 3 meals which were extremely tasty since she set some aside for herself as well as her favourite, tteokbokki.

Jiyoung got up, packed her bag and had begun on her way to the hospital. She hadn't known what to say or do when introducing or conversing with this Mihyang woman that her mum's friends with.

When she reached the hospital after the long walk, Jiyu stepped in looking around for staff to ask where her mum's friend is so she can give the meals she prepared, 'Hello, do you know where Lee Mihyang is by any chance?' She asked. 'Yes, in Room 299.'

She made her way to the lift and passed multiple corridors when she reached to the door. Jiyu gently knocked on the door then heard a 'Come on in, Jiyoung is it?'. She made her way in and introduced herself to the resting Mihyang who looked so happy to see her. She looked familiar but couldn't quite place who she was.

'I have prepared some meals for you and I hope you get better soon, my mother told me she might drop in later on over the week.' Jiyu started which sounded a bit cold but her face was truly soft and reassuring.

'Aww, my dear you didn't have to,' she started and looked at the delicious meals brought to her 'Omo, how did you make all this by yourself? It looks so impressive.' Mihyang said surprised at the girl's skill at cooking.

'Oh, it didn't take much time or effort, really.' Jiyu was trying to be humble, not an effort to be humble as she always overlooks her skills. She looked for a chair so she could sit and talk to the lady who must be so bored every day and looked up to a boy who looked her age saying 'Eomma, my shift was ov-' the Han boy started but stopped.

Seojun and Jiyoung looked in each other's eyes, Jiyoung slowly realising that Seojun is her kid but the Han boy was still confused as ever.


Heyy, I'm sorry for being late but can y'all please vote and tell me how you like the story / anything you'd like me to add anything. Also please vote for my story,  it really helps me so yea!

Made for each other - Han Seojun ffWhere stories live. Discover now