20. find your footing

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-14 Jan-3 Feb, 2022 --> I hate chemistry. I know I failed my latest quiz. Funny how I'm still considering a career in medicine lmao (why do I do this to myself). Urghh why can't Kai teach me chem? Maybe then I'd pay more attention sivviiofvndfvsjksdvs
-lmao me in the future, I want to be an English professor + am thinking about minoring in business law let's gooo
-I started figure skating about five or so Sundays ago and I've learned how to skate backwards as well as do crossovers from my step dad. I want to continue skating, but going to open skate costs $6, and every time it just adds up...
-I hope I can still continue in the future, as my dream since I was young was to compete and win a medal
-my sister said Akaza looks like a clown, so I told her the only clown is her
-April 20, 2023: sorry I've been gone for like 5 weeks, I asked this boy to prom as a friend (he said yes lol)

Pain burned in (Y/n)'s chest, a never-ending fire that burned as bright as her eyes. They had long lost that spark, only luminous because of the golden specks that pierced through nothing. Every word being said in class, every moment in time, was at a standstill because once again, she was lost.

Left by the ones she loved the most.

Then a thud caught (Y/n)'s ears and she stopped in her tracks, hands moving on their own before she could think. Her books fell to the floor, pencil case rolling by her feet as she caught a familiar ball of energy. He nearly fell out the window, blazer and everything threatening to shred as he bend in a weird angle out the window.

Yes, the window. How does one fall out of a window, of all places? With all the chatter already happening in the hallway, could this day get even more obnoxious? Even more frustrating? It was the same as having bugs buzz in your ear, a little sound you swatted at but could never quite make go away.

(Y/n) pulled Kirishima out of the window, lips pressed into a hard frown as he balanced on his feet with a shake of his head. "Woah, that as close!" he exclaimed. "Thanks, Chisaki!" (Y/n) stared at him incredulously, brows knit tightly. "Why do you keep falling out of windows? Did someone try to throw your phone outside?"

"Yes--well, not my phone, but still! That's my favourite pencil!" Kirishima wailed (to (Y/n)'s bewilderment), holding it up. "Bakugou is a bully! I wasn't trying to do anything, I swear!" Doubt washed over (Y/n) as she looked over his shoulder at a very, very upset Bakugou, then a dumb-founded Kaminari who looked like he wanted to laugh but couldn't. Ashido was somewhere off to the side, hand to her head in exasperation.

What an odd group.

(Y/n) turned to pick up her stuff. Kirishima suddenly stood tall and handed it all back to her with a sorry look on his face. "I think I just took a joke too far and Bakugou got mad. But he's always mad anyway, right? Sorry, I caused you some trouble, huh?" The way he sheepishly pursed his lips together made (Y/n) sigh. She couldn't be mad at him, it wasn't like he chose defenestration anyway.

"Try not to get into trouble," she said with a frown. "You didn't hurt yourself did you?" Kirishima shook his head and beamed. "Nah, don't worry about me. I think I just popped a button off my shirt, but I'm not hurt." He paused for a moment and made a face. "Are you okay though? You look kinda..."

"Dead." Ashido seemed to appear out of thin air. She didn't want to pry since the two weren't close, but she couldn't just leave (Y/n) the way she was. Sure, she frowned a lot, but this...wasn't the same. Somehow, it seemed to make her age by ten years "I think it's time to get lunch. I can order for you, Chisaki-san!"

(Y/n) only shook her head. Now wasn't the time for socialization. If anything, she wanted to sleep. Sleep and never wake up, or at least not for a couple hundred years. She fiddled with the zipper on her pencil case. "I think I'll pass. Thank you though, Ashido. You don't have to say "san", it makes me feel old."

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