11. breathe

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-continuing to write this story when my life is a literal train wreck lmaoo
-band is stressful but I really like having the opportunity to play violin for concert season. I'm self-taught, so it's been rough, but I am determined. Only issue is my grades (my teacher gives out quite a bit of work. It is hard to complete since I get home late and cannot play violin at like six thirty in the evening) UPDATE: I got a 95% for term 1!
-i am co-president of an Asian club at my school and it's also rough lmao. Very, very stressful, I hate it.
-update: this one girl replaced me and my co-president and no one else had the guts to voice their opinions on how they didn't like that
-i cried afterwards lmao i'm such a failure
-anyway thank you all so much for the comments and support, it means the world to me
-the chapter title is homage to all my fellow over-achievers and burnt-out students.
-also, read 'lawless kid' by yuto sano, it's pretty good. great art, great plot for a one-shot.
-lmao editing this in financial literacy because it's the half day before thanskgiving break

-'Tou-san is an abbreviated (nickname ver. if you will) of otou-san (father, dad). It is informal. I can't imagine being that close to my father enough to call him that lol.

'Among the countless stars
There is one star that was lost
I wanted to protect it
Day and night, the light of your love
Stayed next to me
I'm so thankful...'
-Shine Together, SF9

(Y/n) tapped her pencil against the living room's coffee table, muttering incoherently under her breath. She thought back to the previous hour before lunch break, then the hour before where Hari explained exactly how to do this damned math problem.

What was next? Divide it? Cube it?

(Y/n) scribbled mindlessly, something along the lines of squaring a number and adding or subtracting it from the sum of the previous equation. She didn't really know, the numbers were all a jumbled mess in her head after the first ten problem sets. Light leaked through the living room windows, where leaves languidly blew through the yard and into the afternoon skies. The clock read one-thirty, and no matter how much (Y/n) willed it, the hour hand refused to move.

Gods. She must have been delusional if she thought academics would be easier than swordsmanship.

"Time's up!" Hari held up his beeping phone and clicked off the alarm. "Okay, how do you think you did?"

It had only been about a day since the start of home school and (Y/n) was doing terribly. Her illness had mysteriously disappeared recently, and the moment Kai was sure she was fine, he didn't waste any time in creating a piling amount of busywork.

It was as if he wanted to see (Y/n) fail. And judging by the (heavy emphasis on) biology, chemistry, and general maths (physics, algebra, and some other subject she didn't care to recall), Kai was trying to scare her away. (Y/n) begrudgingly handed Hari the messy paper and sighed lowly. "I don't want to look at this anymore."

"You'll probably get harder stuff at U.A.," Hari noted. "It's all to prepare you accordingly."

Demon Slaying was much, much simpler than modern life. The rush of adrenaline, the blood smeared across the ground. It was all a part of everyday life, a part of the fight towards peace. Sitting in front of a desk, pencil in hand induced a different sort of thrill, one (Y/n) wished she could slice in half.

"So...?" she quietly muttered. "How did I do?" Hari circled something on the paper and jotted down a long note in red ink. He then clicked the pen, sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose, and handed the paper back. Underneath (Y/n)'s name and the day's date sat: 10%, at least you tried.

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