Chapter 1: Act 2: part 1

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The scene is now showing a scene with a young Cocolia. She is talking to someone or something but can't be seen anywhere. The young Cocolia is facing some kind of structure.

Young Cocolia: ...They will suffer, sacrifice, and die because of my order.

Voice of the Stellaron: It is not death that greets them... They will be swept into the infancy of a new world.

Young Cocolia: What about the underworlders? They will lose the protection from the architect. They will see me... As a tyrant.

Voice of the Stellaron: You have witnessed... The world we have promised. A temporary misunderstanding... For an eternity of prosperity. We will honor your decision.

The scene soon turned black. As only the voice of the young Cocolia can only be heard.

Young Cocolia: ... I understand.

The scene ended. With someone opening their eyes after witnessing that scene. It was Stelle who has awoken from her dream. When she open her eyes, she heard a bunch of voices that sound like someone was voicing their complain on something.

???: Sigh* ...Come on, those toys of yours aren't that dangerous.

Sampo: Um, then why hasn't she woken up yet?

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Sampo: Um, then why hasn't she woken up yet?

???: Because she's sound asleep - didn't you hear her sleep talking? ...Poor child, sounded like a bad nightmare.

Z: Wonder what her nightmare is about that would traumatized her?

???: Tell me the truth Sampo - what are you gonna do about the overworld girl?

Z: I would like to know as well. You said that she would have a role in something? What is it?

Sampo: What am I gonna do about her? Why, wait for the opportunity and send her back together with the rest of them of course. I... Hey come on, what's with the-

The two include z and the woman made a neutral stare at Sampo. Clearly knows that he is lying.

???: You're a bad liar. Sampo Koski.

Z: That's definitely not what you have said last time.

Sampo: Well, during that conversation, I said that because I was in a daze from all the smoke I inhale. Before I knew it, I'd somehow dragged her down her too.

Z: Correction. I'm... The one who carried her down here.

???: What are you up to Sampo? Why do you insist on getting caught up in overworld affairs that have nothing to do with you? If it's a whole lot more attention from wildfire you want, you're going about it the right way.

Sampo: Hey now! Sampo Koski primary concern is taking care of his friend. These guys scratched my back. How could I live with myself if I didn't scratch them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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