chapter 1:Act 1- part 1

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Z and everyone are now walking together to meet with Dan Heng. They are having a small conversation on their way.

Z: So stelle, how was your first jump experience. Did you have uncomfortable stomach? Do you want to vomit or anything? Or do you have headache?

Stelle: I'm perfectly fine. I don't feel abnormal about me.

March 7th: Wow. You sure are tough. Even for me, I would sometimes feel a bit nausea during my first jump. But now I got used to it, I don't have any of those anymore. However, not as bad as Z had.

Z: Could you blame me. This whole... Going to hyperspace jump experience is a first for me. So I couldn't help it that I have to vomit 3 times. Ugh, and because of that I didn't have any appetite for a whole day now.

March 7th: Well, you know what Dan Heng would said about this? "Experience new things will made your experience even better!"

Z: That definitely what he would say. Speaking of, there he is.

They were then finally met up with Dan Heng. He was standing alone in the corner.

Z: Hey Dan!

Dan Heng: Oh, you guys are here.

Stelle: Why are you here alone? Shouldn't you be hanging out with us?

Dan Heng: I enjoy being alone, especially when I have important work to do.

Z: Your work as in gathering information about Jarilo-VI?

Dan Heng: That's correct. I went through the express database, and it seems the environment on Jarilo-VI has undergone drastic changes in the past few centuries.

Z: And the results are?

Dan Heng: The results are that Jarilo-VI was not a frozen planet to begin with...

Stelle: Welt says that it was caused by a Stellaron.

Dan Heng: He said so? Hmm... Considering the spatial obstacle that the star rail has encountered, it's highly possible.

March 7th: If the Stellaron has been going on for centuries, does that mean that there is no more people living there.

Z: I mean, your not wrong. With these freezing cold ice still kicking, I doubt that there is people able to live there. Unless they evolved into an advance species now.

Dan Heng: That's impossible. Creature doesn't evolve quickly over few centuries. Plus, March there is still people living on this planet.

March 7th: Really? Are you sure?

Dan Heng: I'm sure. I've conducted a preliminary survey and found that there's one area with a relatively normal temperature on the surface of the planet. By 'normal', I mean a tempature that just about allows for human survival.

Z: If there is possibility the thing that you told us are true, then that means there is civilization still living there. It worth investigating.

Dan Heng: By the way, now that I remember. Do you guys need something?

Stelle: Himeko wants the four of us to go that planet together.

Dan Heng: ...AS I expected, before you came stelle, whenever March wanted to go anywhere, himeko would make Mr yang and me go with her. And even after you arrived. I didn't suppose I'd be the one to be liberated of that duty.

March 7th: Hehe~ you do know how important I am to the rest of the express. Of course Himeko would want you guys to follow me.

Z: More like keeping the ice cream from causing trouble.

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