27. One Night Affair

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With his wife Janice away for 5 days at a business convention in Las Vegas, 40-year-old Curt, home alone and decides to leave the house to seek out activities beyond working on his desktop computer or streaming movies and TV shows on his big-screen smart TV to stay entertained, in the other words, he is tired of being coup up in the house and want to go out.

Curt is driving around, in search of a place to eat and a cold beer or two. Curt pulls over to this neighborhood bar and restaurant named Chauncey's. He is sitting at a table in the back, Curt is enjoying the atmosphere of his delicious meal, cold beer, the good music playing. The bar is moderately crowded. Later, Curt and this woman, Tracey strikes up a friendly conversation. At first, they were checking each other out and they felt they met someone before, but they can't recall where. Curt and Janice have been well-versed in traveling to various destinations, including cruises, vacations, and other enjoyable retreats. Curt was trying to avoid contact with her, he feels no harm, they are only having a conversation.

Later after they left Chauncey's, Curt drives her home, and they are still talking. Tracey invites him upstairs to her apartment. Initially, Curt harbors doubt and is reluctant to go, fearing that something might transpire between them. He reminded Tracey of his marital status. He decides to take a gamble and go upstairs with Tracey, and she tells him, "Thank you, Curt, for keeping me company. I usually don't invite a man over, especially one I barely know, but I could tell you're a true gentleman from our conversation at Chauncey's and the way you carried yourself." Curt, smiling, replied, "Thank you, I usually don't accompany a woman, I barely don't know to their apartment, especially not one I've just met, even though I'm married. But you, I could tell you're a real lady from the way you presented yourself at Chauncey's. You sure you're not one of those stalkers?" "No, you?" Replied Tracey and asked Curt. "No," Curt confirmed. They both are breathing a sigh of relief.

In the living room of Tracey's apartment, they are talking, while watching a movie on her big screen TV; Curt and Tracey begin eying each other in an attractive way.   Tracey tells him, "Curt, I know you a marry man, you want to." "Make love, of course." Says Curt, as they cuddle, get comfy and begin the process of making love.  They also agreed that what they are about to do has to only be friendly and one-time. Curt decides to stay over and leave in the morning.  Later after Curt and Tracey had made love and had sex, which both of them felt good, he did felt guilt about cheating on Janice, he has done it before and he has gotten away it, to which Janice has no knowledge of.

The next morning, in Tracey's bedroom, on her bed, Curt and Tracey awaken, chat, and she offers to make him a cup of coffee and a hearty breakfast before he departs. While he's in the bathroom sitting on Tracey's toilet relieving himself, his cellphone rings; it's Janice calling. He answers it, "Janice, how's the convention?"  Janice tells him, "Everything is fine in Vegas.  Miss me? " Curt tells her, "Of course I miss you! I've been Keeping myself busy, very busy.  Listen, Janice I got to step out for a little while, I call you back. I promise, I love you." Janice tells him, "I love you, back! I miss you, too! Bye!" Curt ends the phone call.

Before Curt leaves Tracey. He tells her how much of a good time he had with her.  Tracey feels the same sentiment, sharing a kiss, and saying their goodbyes after their one-night love affair.

Two weeks later, Curt and Janice are at a shopping mall. After stepping out of a restaurant after they ate lunch, Janice spots a familiar face and exclaims, "I don't believe this!" As Curt looks on curiously, Janice calls out to the woman, "Tracey, Tracey, Tracey!" While Curt's smile shifts to a look of concern, Tracey notices Janice's enthusiastic waves and approaches, smiling at Curt and Janice. Tracey acts as if she doesn't recognize Curt. Tracey and Janice chat like long-lost best friends. Janice then introduces Tracey to Curt, and they greet each other, pretending to be meeting for the first time. After a brief conversation, Tracey excuses herself, and they all agree to connect on Facebook. Tracey goes back to her shopping, and Curt and Janice prepare to leave the mall.  Both Tracey and Curt should win an Emmy or an Oscar for their performance.

Later at home, Curt receives a text on his phone from Tracey: What happened 2 wks ago in my place, will be our big secret and stays at my place, if you're worried. Do we agree? Curt text back: I Agree! Tracey text back: You better take care of my friend Janice 😊!  Curt is smiling, sending a smiling emoji, also!

Janice never found out what went on between her husband Curt and her best friend, Tracey!


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