16. Pretender

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A young man, Albert, is arriving at his steady girlfriend, Trina's house. Albert rings the front door to the house, the one-family home she shares with her family, living with her mom; her dad; and her young brother Tee.  Tee answers the door, letting him in greeting with fist taps and high-fives.  Albert inside the house says, "Hi" to Trina's moms and she greets him back, "Hi Albert, how's you and your family?" Abert replies, "We're fine, thank you for asking Misses North!" She says, "You're welcome!"  Albert notices Trina's closest best friend, Walt, in the living room with Trina. Trina is glad to see him as she gets up to greet Albert with a kiss on his left cheek. Albert says, "hi" to Walt (frowning a little). Walt greets him back.  Albert doesn't really like or trust Walt around Trina. Though, Walt and Trina are best friends living on the same block for years since her family moved into the house, they live in. Albert and Trina had been going together for a year and a half.  Walt leaves, so Albert and Trina can be alone. Trina's mother leaves the living room to the kitchen, so she can fix supper. Tee goes upstairs to his room to play on the Xbox. Trina and Albert sit on the couch beside each other holding each other, they kiss lips, his arm around Trina's shoulder.  Albert asks, "Does he always have to be here, it's like almost every time I come over to see you, Walt is always here."  Trina tells him, "Don't tell me you're jealous of Walt. Albert, you know Walt is gay."  Albert replies, "He says he is gay. Doesn't he have a boyfriend to spend time with." Trina tells him, "You make it sound as if I and Walt are." Albert replies, "I'm not saying, it's a possibility that he wants to be your boyfriend."  Laughing, Trina tells him, "Albert please, we are only best friends and like l keep telling you, Walt is gay!" Albert replies, "You keep saying that, still I don't trust him." They continue sitting comfy together enjoying what's on TV.

A couple of days later, Albert approaches Walt leaving the corner grocery store.  Albert greets him and Walt greets him back.  Albert tells him, "We need to talk." Walt says, "Uh, okay!" Albert asks him, "I want to know what's going on between you and Trina. You're constantly at her house when I come over. What's the deal and I heard about you and her going to the bathroom together (Walt is laughing). What's the real deal, you say you're gay, don't you have a boyfriend to be with, instead of at Trina." Walt replies, "I had a steady boyfriend and we broke up. As for me and Trina, we are only friends, BFFs as in the best of friends hanging together. Me and her and Monica are a clique."  Albert is shaking his head side to side telling him, "I know about guys like you, Walt." Walt asks, "What do you mean?" Albert tells him, "Deep inside, you know exactly what I mean. You keep saying you're gay (Walt nods yes), walking, talking and acting all gay in front of me, what are you really behind closed doors. I want to know if you're really gay or you're putting on an act pretending you're gay to be with Trina. Yeah, we both know Trina's fine, with that sexy body of hers and a great personality. Come on, tell me the truth, I won't get mad. I'm willing to walk away, so you can be her man." Walt asks him, "What are you talking about, I am really gay and I am into other guys. I better be going." "Okay, you can go. I know you're just as straight as me, wanting to get with the females and the truth will come to light." Said Albert and Walt walking away shaking his head grinning. Albert says to himself, "Pretending to be gay, so he can get with Trina. I can see right through him.  What a character?"


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