24. Cathy

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This short story is about a 19-year-old woman named Cathy. She resides with her grandmother, uncle and other relatives inside an unstable household. Cathy was adopted by her grandmother as a young girl, who has raised her ever since due to Cathy's mother's legal issues and her father being unknown; whatever wrongdoing her mother done, resulted in her lengthy incarceration.

Cathy and Delores Hudson have been best friends since the 7th grade. Cathy has become a fixture at Delores' home, and they live in the same apartment building, with Cathy residing upstairs. Initially an annoyance, Cathy's frequent visits have become so regular that she is now considered part of the household.

After Delores went away to college. Cathy has been frequenting the Hudson Household. When the Hudson's leave their home to go work or school, Cathy would go to their apartment, opening the door with keys she had duplicated from Delores to enter the apartment, she knocks first before entering, after unlocking the main door and closing the door, locking.  Cathy had keys duplicated, due to Delores carelessness in leaving her keys at Cathy's. Cathy indulges in a Goldilocks-like exploration, treating the Hudson's home as her own. She showers, cooks and consumes their food, enjoys the television, plays music on the stereo, and takes a nap.  After her activities, she conscientiously cleans the kitchen and bathroom, vacuums the living room, and tidies up after herself. She completes all chores before any Hudson family member returns, discreetly exiting with the hope her presence goes unnoticed. The allure of being in the Hudson's home lies in the privacy it affords: a room of one's own, uninterrupted bathroom use which she enjoys, freedom to watch desired programs, and cherished moments of solitude. The Hudson has no knowledge of Cathy being in their apartment, when they are away.   

Cathy thought her peculiar behavior came to an end when she was found asleep on the couch by Delores' 17-year-old brother, Earl. He woke her up, saying, "It had to be you, Cathy, sneaking in here as if this were your own place whenever it's empty." Earl walked away chuckling, heading to his room. Cathy inquired, "Does everyone know?" To which Earl responded, "We all see the difference. You're welcome to stay if you choose; I won't say a word. Just stay out of my room, please." Cathy agreed with a simple "Okay!"

Two days later, as Cathy was leaving the apartment and in the midst of securely locking the door, Mrs. Hudson approached her, catching her by surprise, "Hi, Cathy!"  Cathy is stunned and she tells her, "So it was you, you were the one. We really need to talk.  Open the door and let's go inside, since you already have the keys in your hands."  Cathy opens the apartment door, and she and Mrs. Hudson enters to have a serious conversation.

Later, Mrs. Hudson and the rest of the family decide to allow Cathy to continue being in their apartment as if she lives there also, since no damages or theft occur, they did find it hilarious but her grandmother insists, she stay out of those people's home when they are not home and give them the keys. Cathy gives the Hudson family the duplicated keys and gets a job at Target.


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