19. First Date

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Nicole and Allen, a middle-aged married couple, are sitting outside their house one evening before sunset. Nicole turns to her husband and asks, "Do you remember the first time we went out on a date?" Allen smiles, because he has never forgotten that night. Nicole, the preacher's daughter at the church his family went to, and he was 17 years old when he asked her out. Nicole was older than him and she had a reputation for being adventurous. She didn't want to be stereotyped as some well-behaved preacher's daughter. They went to see a movie at the local theater, but Nicole had other plans for the night before going home. She asked Allen, "How did you like the movie?" Allen said, "It was good." Nicole said, "Do you want to go to a party? My friend is having one at her place." Allen hesitated, "Nicole, it's already past nine and I promised your mom" Nicole cut him off, "Come on, let's go. It won't take long." She persuaded Allen to go with her to her friend's house party.

Allen, an average teen, recently him and his family joined the church where Nicole's father was the pastor. He had a crush on Nicole when he first saw her and finally gathered the courage to ask her out for some fast-food burgers, fries and sodas, followed by a movie. They reached Patrice's single-family home in East Flatbush, where Nicole's friend was hosting a party already underway. Patrice welcomed them at the door and let them inside. Nicole took the opportunity to introduce Allen to Patrice. Inside, they saw teenagers and young adults, ages 14 to 21, with no older adults in sight. A DJ took over the dining space with his setup, providing music for the attendees. The guests had all brought their own assortment of snacks, sodas, and alcoholic beverages. Allen walked around, danced and had fun. He had a minor incident when he accidentally walked in on a girl who was on the toilet with her pants down, chatting with her friend. He apologized and closed the bathroom door, smiling at the awkward situation. He remembered his first slow dance with Nicole, when the DJ played Shining Star by The Manhattans. After some dude yells, "DJ, SLOW IT DOWN! SOMEBODY, TURN OFF THE LIGHTS." Allen is liking this slow dancing in the dark with his sweetheart, she even allowed and insist he touches her booty. Everything was cool. even a small altercation almost ensued until it was stopped by Patrice's brother, Dusty yelling, "Not in my crib. Take that shit out of here." Overall, the party was going great until the front door to the house opens with the sound of an older male voice gruffly shouting, "OH, HELL NO!" The lights turn on and it's Patrice and Dusty's enraged parents. The father is yelling, "Turn that music off, this party is over! IF YOU DON'T LIVE HERE, GET THE HELL OUT MY HOUSE." All the guests, including Nicole and Allen, are leaving. The DJ and his partner are packing up their equipment. The father calls out to his teens, "Host (Dusty) and Hostess (Patrice), stay right there. We're going to have our own party after this, but only your mom and I will have fun and provide entertainment. Sit your butts down on that sofa."

Nicole, Patrice and Dusty, along with others had mistakenly assumed that Patrice's parents would be away for the weekend, but they came back a day early. Just before midnight, Nicole and Allen reached her house and lingered on the steps, hoping to share a kiss. Nicole was willing, but her mother opened the front door and told Nicole to bid Allen goodnight. She also wished Allen a safe journey home. A big car pulls up and parks in front of the house. Nicole's father steps out of the car and Nicole greets him, "Hi, Daddy!" His wife is happy to see him and tells him that Nicole and Allen have just come back from a date. Allen says, "I better get going, goodnight, Nicole! Goodnight, Reverend and Mrs. Holt." Nicole says, "Goodnight, Allen, I had a great time, get home safely." Her mother says, "Take care, Allen, thank you for bringing my girl home safely." Allen says, "Thank you, Mrs. Holt." The Rev. Holt says, " Hold up, young man! I'll drive you home!"

Allen arrives at his two-family house, where he lives on the second floor with his family, accompanied by the Rev. Holt, who is driving. They had a quiet ride over. Rev. Holt says to him, "Allen, I love my daughter very much and I expect you to bring her home early, young man, when you take her out." Allen answers, "Yes sir!" The Reverend Holt also reminds Allen to see him in church this Sunday, before driving away. Allen smiles as he enters the house.

At present, Allen gazes at the sunset with a smile on his face. Nicole turns to him and asks, "What are you smiling about?" Allen sings back, "Baby, you are my shining star." Nicole smiles and says, "Oh, you remember!"


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