3. Bumbling Robbers

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It was around 8 pm when two men entered a neighborhood convenience store, planning to rob it. They scanned the place and approached the counter. One of them, Jay, wore a mask and pointed a loaded gun at the clerk's face, demanding all the money from the cash register. His partner, Glenn, also masked, stood by the entrance and watched out for witnesses and cops. The clerk complied and put all the cash in a brown paper bag. As Jay grabbed the bag, Glenn decided to take some products from the store, such as aftershave lotion, soap, deodorant and other items, and stuffed them in another brown paper bag. Jay handed the money bag to Glenn and then ordered the clerk to open the safe. But he changed his mind and told Glenn to hurry up and leave, fearing someone might walk in on them. They ran out of the store and took off their masks.

Outside, Jay tells Glenn to slow down before someone recognizes the obvious and along with telling him, "You have two bags, I know the cash is in one bag, what's in the other one?" Glenn replies, "Just some personal stuff." Jay orders him to get rid of it as Glenn tosses the bag into an open street trash receptacle. They noticed the bus arriving on the route to Glenn's place and they hopped on the bus after paying.

Glenn, who lives with his mother, is alone at his place. He opens the other bag and dumps out the contents. Instead of cash, he sees the personal items he stole from the store. Jay curses in anger, "Yo, what's this shit? Where's our money?" "I don't know, I must have thrown it in the trash by accident." Glenn says. Jay replies, "You tossed our money in the trash? Oh, shit! Let me calm the fuck down. Listen, let's go back to that same Receptacle, where we got on the bus at and see if it's still there."

Meanwhile, a homeless man at the bus stop is rummaging through the same trash bin. He spots the bag and picks it up, curious. As he looks inside, he can't believe his eyes. He glances around and smiles, feeling like celebrating. But he keeps his cool and walks away casually.

Jay and Glenn went back to the same dumpster, hoping to find the money they had thrown away. As they rummaged through the trash, the clerk from the convenience store they had robbed was talking to the police. He spotted them with the clothes they were wearing and pointed them out to the officers. Glenn saw the police coming and alerted Jay. Jay exclaimed, "Oh shit, let's go!" But before they could escape, the police caught up with them and arrested them with the help of another patrol car. The clerk and his boss, the store owner, decided to press full charges against Jay and Glenn. To make matters worse, Jay still had the gun on him, which one of the officers discovered while searching.

In the meantime, the vagrant with the stolen cash; he washed up, ate, bought a one-way traveling ticket and got on the Amtrak train south to Florida to stay with some family and friends laughing while enjoying his new cellphone letting them know he is on his way.


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