15. Cousin Joe

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In 1982, a Brooklyn, Bed-Stuy woman name Velda looking out her window from her 2nd floor walk-up apartment, waiting for the arrival of her cousin Joe from North Carolina. She notices her cheerful cousin and her teenage son Reggie approaching the building. Joe has a big suitcase in his hand approaching and smiling, waving at others, which most of them found strange. The reason is that Joe is from his small town in North Carolina, where he lived most of his life since he was born, the residents usually wave and greet each other while being acknowledged; as opposed to New York City, where such is uncommon, unless they know the other. Reggie is medium built with muscles and he can take care of himself.

Reggie and Joe entering the apartment, Velda happily goes to Joe with the both of them hugging as they have not seen the others in years having a reunion. They sit down to talk with Reggie joining them. Talking about the family, upbringing, what they have been up to and Joe's bus ride on Trailways Bus line. He also mentions his subway ride on the way saying, "Some of these folks in New York city, are very uptight. You say 'hi' to them and they look at you, like you're crazy. I was involved in an encounter on the train." Velda replies, "You had an encounter, what happened, Joe?" Joe replies, "I was sitting down, next to Reg and we were talking when I happened to notice this pretty tired lady standing on her feet. Being that I am such a gentleman, I showed my hospitality, got up and offered the lady my seat. She keeps refusing my offer over and over while I kept insisting and this dude with a bad attitude got all up in my face yelling and cussing at me in front all those people, like he's gone insane." Reggie explains, "the dude is her husband, Joe was trying to calm him down, he pushed Joe wanting to throw down." Velda worrying says, "Oh Dear." Joe replies, "I did try to calm him down, but he wouldn't stop." Reggie tells him, "And that's when you placed him in that devastating yoke around his neck, had him gasping for air. It took me, his wife and a couple of other passengers to finally get you to break the hold. It's a good thing the cops were not around and the dude refused to press charges. What got me is Joe apologized loudly to everyone in the whole subway car." Velda laughing tells Joe, "You're something else cousin and you have not changed at all." Joe says, "I don't plan on either, where is your bathroom?" Velda shows him the bathroom, where he is sleeping, on the pullout sofa. Joe going to the bathroom, "Speaking of bathroom, you know as soon as I got off the bus to use the bathroom at the bus station, you have some friendly fellows in that bathroom (Reggie is laughing). Especially this old man sitting on the toilet bowl with no door boo-booing and he was smiling at me. Oh well, let me get in here (the bathroom) and take care of business." Reggie asks Joe, "While you're inside that bus station men's room, you didn't realize?" Joe replies, "I realized some of them guys had to be queer, there are a few in my hometown. They do their thing and I do mine, besides of I'm a ladies' man, not a man's man!" Laughing, Joe entering the bathroom and closing the door." Reggie tells Velda, "Joe is something else, ma!" Velda replies, "Yes he is, he certainly is."

Later at the dinner table, Velda, Reggie and Joe talk while enjoying their supper. Joe is staying with them for a whole week. Velda, Reggie and other relatives would show Joe around, visiting her church, along with sightseeing at the Statue of Liberty, World Trade Center, Downtown Brooklyn, museums and some of the other tourist places. He really had a great time visiting his cousins in Brooklyn, New York City.


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