60: 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵

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Alice and Rafe entered the living room to the sound of laughter. Instead of eating in the dining room - like they should have - Jada, Sofia, Kelce and Ian had made themselves comfortable on the large couch, each with a plate of pasta in their hand. They had turned on some music on the TV, which spread through the room and mixed with the sound of their voices.

„Why aren't you in the dining room?" Alice asked, rounding the corner of the couch with Rafe, who sat down next to her.

„It's cozier here" Kelce mumbled with his mouth full.

Jada, who was sitting next to Kelce, agreed and finished chewing first. „and we're playing a game"

„What game?" Rafe wanted to know. He reached for one of the plates on the table and handed it to Alice, but didn't take one for himself.

„Truth or shot."

Regardless of all the shots Alice had already had in the kitchen, which had perhaps made her a little woozy, the game didn't seem like a good idea. Not with this group. Especially not with her older brother in the room.

She silently took a forkful of pasta as Rafe lifted her legs and placed them over his lap. He gently stroked along her shin, up to her knee and on to the slight beginning of her thigh, before bringing his fingertips back down.

She liked that he didn't hide from the others. Or maybe they were both just a little too intoxicated to give a shit.

„Wanna play?" Ian leaned back and stretched his arm over the backrest, pushing his hips forward as he looked at Rafe.

And there was a sound in his voice that was...strange.

„Sure" Rafe returned in a firm voice.

Alice couldn't help but feel like something still wasn't quite right between them. It had been shocking enough that Ian had invited Rafe in the first place, but the way they looked at each other made her feel uncomfortable in her position.

„Alright" Jada clapped her hands and looked at Alice, wiggling her brows. „wanna go first, babe?"

„I didn't say I was playing" She shook her head and handed Rafe the rest of her food.

„Yes, you are."

Rolling her eyes, Alice watched as Jada filled the shot glass. „fine, but don't ask a stupid question right at the beginning"

Jada didn't respond to her words while she was already thinking. The wrinkles between her brows only softened when she finally found her question. „did you...-mh no, have you ever sent someone nudes?"

„I said don't ask a stupid question" Alice complained.

„If you don't want to answer, you drink"

Her gaze fell to the pure vodka shot that was filled to the top.

She could take a lot when it came to alcohol, but if the first question was already one of those, the others would only get worse. Drinking right at the beginning would have been stupid.

„Yes, next question" She answered, trying to cover up her slight shame.

She wasn't proud of it. It had been a stupid thing she had done out of young naivety. And the worst thing about it was that she didn't even know if those pictures still existed on the phone of the boy to whom she had never meant anything.

But while the others just carried on playing after a small round of laughter, she could clearly feel Rafe's gaze on her. „I don't remember ever getting one from you" He whispered to her.

„Cause...I never sent you one"

„So who did you send them to?"

„Okay, Ian next" Kelce announced loudly, fortunately for Alice, who no longer had to answer Rafe's question. „where in the house is the best place you've had sex so far?"

Ian thought for a moment, didn't even give the shot a glance. „in the pool"

Disbelief spread in her gaze as she looked at Ian, who was sitting there unconcerned. Not a care in the world, even though he just admitted to fucking in the pool.

In her pool.

Rafe let out a soft laugh as he leaned down to her ear. „maybe we should give it a try" He whispered to her temptingly.

„Wow, wow, wow, hey" Sofia pointed at the two and drew the others' attention to them. „no whispering in this game"

„What did you say to her?" Ian immediately asked Rafe.

He let a snort pass through his nose. „none of your fucking business"

„Guess you have to drink then"

Rafe looked at the shot that Jada was already holding out to him and then at Alice.

She was aware that being stoned plus alcohol on top of that was never a good mix. But it was enough for her that she had to admit in front of her brother that she had sent pictures to a guy in the past.

There was really no need for him to know what she was doing with her boyfriend. Or planning to do.

„Fuck it" Rafe took the shot with a sigh and downed it skillfully, didn't make a face and put the glass back on the table with a thud.

„Sofia next" Alice said to get back at her.

The brunette was sitting cross-legged on the couch. Holding a pillow on her lap and dressed in her green PJ's with her hair tucked sweetly behind her ears. But what particularly caught Alice's eye was that she was sitting right next to Ian.

„Okay, Ian or Kelce, who'd you rather fuck?"

A murmur ran through the room as Sofia looked at Alice as if she had forgotten how to speak. The eyes of the two boys mentioned were glued to her, but she began to shake her head.

„I'm not answering" She refused, a slight blush on her cheeks.

With a grin, Alice pushed the shot across the table to her. „have fun, babe"

„Wait, so you'd fuck one of us?" Kelce asked curiously.

„I said I'm not answering" She repeated sternly and brought the glass to her lips. The next shot flowed, the room filled with laughter at the sight of her grimacing before she put the glass back on the table.

And as Alice's gaze wandered around the room, it stopped on her brother. He had spread his arm across the backrest behind Sofia and looked at her.

Looked at her in a way that Alice had never seen before.

He probably thought he was unnoticed.

She gently shook her leg that was lying on Rafe's lap and caught his attention. With a slight nod in their direction, she made him see what she saw.

And they both knew exactly what Sofia would have answered to Alice's question if she hadn't opted for the shot.

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