11: 𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳'𝘴

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„Alice, we're waiting"

The shouts from the hallway made her hurriedly tie the laces of her white high heels around her ankles. She hurried over to the jewelry box and rummaged through it for her favorite pair of earrings, then quickly ran back to her mirror to put them on.

The loud clacking of her heels echoed through her room and like every year, getting ready for Midsummers was pure torture.

Being a girl was a full-time job.

„Hurry the fu-„ Ian barged into her room without knocking, although he fell silent when he looked at her.

„Jesus, can't you just wait a minute" She traced her lips with the lipstick, which left a floral pink color.

With a furrowed brow, Ian leaned against the doorframe, arms folded. He said nothing. Not even when their eyes met in the mirror she was standing in front of.

She turned around to face him. „what?"

„Nothing" He shrugged, wearing his dark green suit with a white button-up shirt underneath. However, he had decided not to wear a bow tie and had left the first two buttons undone.

„Is it the dress?" She turned back to the mirror and tugged at the light blue fabric.

Ever since she had put it on, she had struggled to feel comfortable in it. When she tried it on in the store where she had bought it, she thought she looked good in it. As soon as she wore it outside the store, however, she had the feeling that she had made the wrong choice.

Pure disaster.

She didn't know if it was just her. Some days, she looked at herself in every mirror she passed, simply because she felt unnaturally pretty. But just some days.

And then there were days like today when she would rather not go out at all.

It was an unhealthy mix of both, but her brother laughed, getting her attention back. „No, no it's not ugly, you look...it's a nice dress"

„Yeah, that's really convincing, thank you." She huffed in annoyance.

She didn't expect anything else from Ian, but she really needed some nice words, especially today. A little compliment, a little encouragement, something to boost her broken confidence.

She sighed as she let her arms hang down at her sides, looking at her reflection in the mirror without saying a single word.

She wore the dainty lily of the valley crown in her hair that her mother had chosen for her. The white flowers flattered her dark hair. Her hair was half up, her make-up was a little more striking than usual and actually she didn't look as bad as she thought she did in the mirror.

Ian sighed, straightened his suit jacket. „you look good, stop worrying"

She glanced over her shoulder at him. Ian never threw compliments at her, which was fine, but it was good in the slightest to hear that she didn't look too bad.

But of course she wouldn't tell him that.

„Well, you don't," She just walked right past him, causing him to scoff. „and now let's go, I don't wanna be late"


And while the Blakelys were just on their way, Rafe was already hanging out at the bar counter.


Unnoticed, he scanned the crowd of people who were obviously having more fun with all this shit than he was. And between all of them, there was no one who could have made this torture easier for him.

„Refill?" The brunette girl behind the bar asked him, when he took the last sip of his drink and placed his glass back on the counter with a thud.

He already had a few drinks. But one more wouldn't hurt, so he nodded and watched her walk over to the ice cube box with his empty glass.

She had her short brown hair pushed behind her ears, wearing a white work uniform paired with a black apron tied neatly around her hips.

„Here you go" She smiled as she handed him his drink.

„Thank you" Rafe said, leaning against the counter with a smile and looking at her with a tilt of his head. „what's your name?"


„Sofia." He repeated, the three syllables falling from his lips so perfectly that she had to giggle.

„And you are?"

„Rafe" He introduced himself.

Even though he'd already had a drink or two...maybe three, he wasn't drunk yet. It would take a little more to get him wasted, but he certainly wouldn't turn down some female company afterwards.

He noticed her when he got there. She was pretty, no question, but the fact that she wasn't dancing around in a fancy dress and a little crown on her head like the other girls, but standing behind the counter in her work uniform, said a lot about her. And he actually couldn't remember ever seeing her around Figure Eight, but his many thoughts about Sofia quickly vanished when the people around them suddenly started clapping.

Rafe's gaze flicked to the large glass doors to which everyone was looking.

Owen and Laurel Blakely came out, elegantly dressed in a matching suit and a dress as expected. They were followed closely by their only son Ian, who wore a dark green suit, his brown hair slightly combed back while a delicate strand still hung down to his forehead. And if Owen, Laurel and Ian finally arrived, that meant...

Rafe slowly lowered his drink as Alice made her entrance.

Her light blue dress clung gracefully to her body and slightly exposed the skin of her leg through the side slit. She wore a flower crown, white and so delicate that it flattered her dark brown hair that cascaded over her shoulders. Oh, and her doe eyes shimmered in the light from the hanging fairy lights as she obediently followed her parents.

The Kook princess herself.

His eyes followed her. The way she walked, the way she smiled. The damn dress that made the shape of her body visible to him. He had to admit she looked pretty...for someone who was friends with Sarah.

„Your girlfriend, I suppose" Sofia suddenly said, immediately getting his attention back. It was the way he looked at Alice and the color of his suit matching her dress that made her assume that.

„No...no, just my sister's friend"

„Yeah" She laughed quietly, clearly not believing him as her eyes moved away from him for a moment, looking at something directly behind him. „your sister's friend is coming your way right now"

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