01: 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥

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Hey! Welcome to my first Rafe Cameron fanfic but before you start there are some things I need to say.

• 1: This fanfic will contain topics which could be triggering to some people. Mention of alcohol, drugs, sexual content, violence, ...

• 2: We don't hate Rafe Cameron here. I know he's problematic but we love problematic men. So, he'll keep certain character traits from the show, but loses his status as a murderer in my fanfic.

• 3: Some things, which happened in the show, will be included in this fanfic too, but not all of it. Still, all credits go to the OBX crew

4: Vote and comment if you want more chapters and that's all from me for now. Enjoy!


Alice Blakely hardly pushed her way through all the people swarming the entire Cameron house.

The loud music from inside the house boomed unbearably in her ears. She bumped hard into countless shoulders, idiots who weren't looking where they were going.

It smelled pungent, two smells mingling as if they were one. Alcohol and cigarettes, their scents in the air and biting into her lungs with every breath.

Not that she was complaining about either, but when she finally stood on the deck of Tannyhill's back porch, she took a long and deep breath.

The cold night breeze blew around Alice like a wave, hitting the naked skin that her short dress didn't cover.

Slowly, her lungs resumed their usual rhythm, drawing in as much of the fresh air as they could, as the smell inside the house had been...sickening.

She leaned against the white railing, gripping the smooth wood it was made of with her hands. She let her eyes wander over the Cameron's garden, which was overflowing with drunk or high teens.

She knew the people at the party. Well, knew was perhaps too much. She had crossed paths with a few of them before, but she didn't dare to approach them.

She was too lost. In everything.

And usually she loved Kook parties, drinking every shot she was offered, blending in with the crowd, turning the heads of guys who looked at her as she walked by. But tonight she would've preferred to be in her comfy bed, snuggled up in a blanket with some vanilla ice cream and her laptop. Watching Mamma Mia or some trashy show and be on her own, but she knew exactly what being alone was doing to her lately.

„Oh my god, I was looking for you!"

At the sound of the very familiar voice, Alice turned her attention away from the crowds to glance over her shoulder and was met with the bright smile of Sarah Cameron.

Sunshine personified.

With Sarah as her best friend, every party was a must. Regardless of whether she would rather hide away, Sarah would drag her out of the house for any party.

Especially after everything that had happened in the last few weeks.

„You okay?" Sarah asked with hesitation.

„Yeah, I'm...great." She answered rather unbelievably, eliciting a dramatic sigh from Sarah, „You know the saying, if you need to get over someone, you have to get under someone"

Alice grimaced and looked down at her drink. „I don't need to get over anyone and definitely not under" She took a sip.

In fact, that's exactly what she needed.

LITTLE SECRET | RAFE CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now