👺The Seraphims/ LE SSERAFIM🪽

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Sorry for my absence 😔 lost a friend, may he rest in peace.
Anyway, like and comment! Please I really love your comments and I really need it.

No one P.O.V
After Yuji and Junpei continued talking, the former met Yoshino's mother, Yoshino Nagi, who invited him for dinner. At Yoshino's house, Itadori had fun with both Junpei and Nagi and after the woman fell asleep from drinking too much alcohol, the two boys watched a movie. Everything was fine, until later in the middle of the night, when Nagi woke up.

"Darn, I fell asleep. Did Yuji-kun go home already? Gah! It's already this late? I need to clean up." She said and looked at the table. "Oh? What's this? A finger?" Nagi muttered, not feeling the cursed spirit rising behind her.

The next morning, the corpse of Yoshino Nagi was discovered at their home with one of Sukuna's fingers. Everything from her waist down was missing, while the top of her body was lying down in her bedroom, with only cold packs beneath the covers.

"Are you saying I'd get in the way, Nanamin?" Itadori asked. "You're injured, aren't you? Next time, take me with you. «My partner died. But I wasn't there at the time. Why? Because I'm a child.» I don't want any of that."

"You can't. As you already know, this patchwork cursed spirit uses transfigured people. There are some people who are beyond saving. If you continue this work, there will come a time when you're forced to kill a person yourself. But this is not that time. Please understand this. Being a child is not a sin. I would like to ask you to continue monitoring Yoshino Junpei." Nanami said and left. As the man was outside, he looked at the sky and saw a wide mass of dark clouds with cyan-green as well as gold lights here and there. "I've seen those gold lights before... First, Sukuna's finger appearing out of nowhere and now this..." He sighed and walked away.

Later, at Satozakura High School, Yunpei started a killing spree of his former classmates. Right when he was talking to his former bully, Itou Shouta, Yuji barged in the gymnasium.

"What are you doing, Junpei?!" He shouted and saw a cursed jellyfish floating next to the boy.

"Stay out of this, Jujutsu Sorcerer." Junpei spat out. Itadori ran after Yoshino, who left the gymnasium to go in the corridors of his highschool, and Yuji was about to hit him with a strong punch. "Moon Dregs!" He said, his cursed jellyfish floated in front of him and blocked Itadori's fist.

" A jellyfish shikigami? Blunt attacks won't work when he's inside it?" Yuji thought.

"I'll say it one more time. Stay out of this, Jujutsu Sorcerer! It's none of your business!"

"That's not something you get to decide!"

"What's the point of indiscriminate salvation? Don't mistake the value of life!" Junpei shouted and unleashed the appendages of his jellyfish, who imprisoned Yuji inside. "People pretend their emotions are everything, but the heart is just the metabolism of the soul. It's all a delusion! Don't restrict me with rules that are based on a delusion. No one has the right to stop anyone from taking what lives they can. Just sleep over there. There's something I have to go back and do." He said, looked out the window and dark a weird golden light in some of the clouds. "What the..." He trailed off then felt something grabbing him.

"Who are you making excuses for?" Yuji uttered as he held Junpei's collar. He tried to hit Yoshino but each time, the jellyfish got in the way. Itadori then clenched his fist and punched the jellyfish, who bumped into its comjurer and both were thrown out of the window, onto the ground, three floors below.

"Why won't Moon Dregs' poison work on him?" Yoshino thought and just before he crashed on a small metallic roof, his jellyfish cushioned his fall. "Why are you getting in my way? Why?! Why?! WHY?!" Junpei screamed, growing more frustrated, made two spikes appeared in his jellyfish's tentacles and he looked at Itadori. "He's in the air! He can't move! No... If there's a chance to crush him, it's right before he lands!" Junpei mentally discussed but Yuji deflected all of his attacks.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 21 ⏰

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