💀💅God Is a Woman💅💀

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Hi everyone. I know, I took a long time to publish this chapter but I was caught in a car accident and was kept at the hospital 🙃. I'm fine physically and mentally I'm still a bit perturbed. Anyway, enjoy 🫴🏾✨

No one P.O.V
Y/N was peacefully sleeping, finally resting after all that travelling when he felt a hot feeling on his skin and heard some murmurs and other strange noises. He tiredly rubbed his eyes and heard someone, a woman, laughing in an altered voice. He looked at the said woman, who was laying on her side, looking at him and his eyes widened.

"What the hell...?" The boy muttered, the woman snapped her fingers and the surroundings completely changed to turn into that of a wider and darker room. He heard a soft chuckle, turned around and saw the same woman, this time, standing behind a throne.

"Welcome." She said in the same altered voice and L/N took a few steps back while smiling nervously. ' What the hell? How can she have that much of Cursed Energy? She has more Cursed Energy than Yuta, Satoru and I combined.' He thought. "Of course, no matter how strong a human can be, deities will always be superior."

"Did you just..."

"Read your mind? Yes. After all, you and I are tightly connected." She said as she slowly walked around him and Executor looked at her slightly tensed. "Chill, okay? I'm not going to harm you. If anything, I'll give you a little something." She declared, finally sat and snapped her fingers, making 3 Infernal Demons appears.

"Madama Butterfly?" Y/N uttered and she slightly nodded with a small smile. "Labolas? Malphas?" The two other Internals roared and screeched then the former laid down next to him.

"Nice watch that you have." The woman said, looking at the said artefact in her hands and Y/N finally noticed that she had at some point taken it away from him. "Paradiso and Inferno... Rodin had made a great work, as usual. And I see that she modified your shoes to fire cursed bullets too."  She asserted. "You don't seem to use the Witch Time that often. Is it because you don't need it or you don't know how to use it?"

"I know how to use it but using it for such weak enemies would be a waste." Y/N answered.

"I see." She replied. "Tell me, young boy. Do you know the story of the world?" She asked.

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth-"

"Not that far. Tell me about the First Armageddon."

"Oh, hum. The First Armageddon is ancient event that happened a really long time ago. What happened exactly is unclear but it resulted in the destruction of the previous universe and the creation of a new one, the one we are living in currently. It also split the reality into three aspects, light, darkness and chaos."

"Good. What about the Clan itself and especially the Japanese branch?"

"The Japanese branch has two headquarters disguised as temples. There is one in Tokyo, near Shibuya and another one in Okinawa, the one in Shibuya being the temple where Sorcerers of the Clan were taught the Dark Arts, while the other in Okinawa was used as a camp and way of communicating with the other branches. There were three majors faces in the history of the Clan: Akko, Aizen and Okuni. Those three Sorcerers where the strongest women of their time."

"That created what?"

"Akko crafted the Evil Harvest Rosary, Buddhist prayer beads that can launch a powerful counter-strike but removes the ability to manipulate time. Aizen crafted the Eternal Testimony, a bracelet that can regenerate the Cursed Energy very quickly. Then, there's Okuni who created the Mallet of Rewards... I don't really know what it does but it was lost at some point in history so I don't think I've ever heard of it, apart from its name. What's up with all those questions?"

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