🖤💗Playing with Fire🕷️🐲🔥

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No one P.O.V
After the temple was completely destroyed, Kamel and Y/N, still on the former's Malphas, were flying over the desert while the titanic creature was still growing.

"Higher, Malphas." The prince commanded, his crow screeched and flew high in the cloudy sky. Below them, a monstrous and colossal Homunculus stood with four snake-like appendages serving as arms. A scroll levitating over its massive head read the name of Stratocumulus before disappearing and the proxy cloud formed.

"Hmm... The Anchor Point's death should have set this world's end in motion... It is as if this world rejects its destiny. Unless... Could there be a new Anchor Point?" Singularity pondered and Kamel felt the Cursed Energy coming from Y/N dramatically increasing.

"Y/N, what are you-"

"DO O IA EXECUTOR. CNILA D COMSELHA ODO ANANAEL. MALPRG ROR MICAOLI IALPON ILS. FAFEN NIIS!" Executor chanted as he pulled out his own heart and Phantasmaraneae got summoned. Blood leaked out of the boy's heart and when it fell on the Infernal Demon, the spider changed colors, size and appearance becoming a bigger black spider with glowing purple moon crescents in its body while an intense purple flame was burning on its middle.

"Listen well, master! This superheated body can only last a few minutes! However, based on the state you summoned me with, be assured that my full strength is at your service." Phantasmaraneae, or more exactly The Phantom as it is usually called in its true form, declared and Y/N nodded.

The two L/N noticed two nodes on the Homunculus' body, one on its back and one in its head. Y/N snapped his fingers, making The Phantom dash to Stratocumulus and the body node. The snake-like appendages fired energy beams at the spider who, fueled by Executor's feeling anger, dodged with great ease the attacks. While the Homunculus was focusing its assault on the Infernal Demon on the ground, Malphas soared the skies at full speed and reached the head node.

The crow screeched and fired off feather missiles at it resulting in the Homunculus to shouted in pain. Malphas then hardened its wings with Cursed Energy, dived quickly from the air and sliced through the node creating a heavy bleeding and stunning Stratocumulus. The Phantom benefitted from this state of unconsciousness to climb up the arms of the Homunculus, go to the node and attack the exposed core with powerful fire attacks.

Stratocumulus didn't stay stunned for long and pushed The Phantom and Malphas away with a strong gust of wind before setting a protective barrier on the head node. The demonic spider acted on itself and shot long-range fire beams at the ground node that was not protected, and inflicted serious damages to the Homunculus, making Y/N and Kamel smirk.

"All that power, only to be unable to protect both of your weak spots." Executor said and Malphas also started firing off feather missiles at the same node. Stratocumulus shouted in pain again and decided to switch the barrier to the ground node.

"Malphas!" Kamel said, the crow screeched and did the same attack as before, this time destroying the head node and stunning Stratocumulus again. The Phantom climbed up the arms again, burning everything on its way to the core this time and unleashed even more powerful attacks, also destroying this node.

"The endless flame is that courses through me... can no longer be controlled!" The Phantom declared, its skin started cracking as its flames intensified and the proxy cloud reappeared as Y/N put one knee down.

"Impressive, Anchor Point. To think you contained such power inside." Singularity said, Y/N put more Cursed Energy into The Phantom and created an explosion big enough to be seen from space. The shockwave of the burst made a exhausted Y/N fall from Kamel's Malphas and the boy lost consciousness as he started free falling. Below him, the explosion mixed with the surplus Cursed Energy of Executor created a black hole that was going to swallow the boy.

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