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Toni's Pov 

Cheryl went home last night and I'm sad i miss waking up next to her but her mom need her home to help with her baby sister so i get it anyway we have school today so i took a shower got dressed into Cheryl's checker crop top and a jean skirt  with my black combat boots

Cheryl went home last night and I'm sad i miss waking up next to her but her mom need her home to help with her baby sister so i get it anyway we have school today so i took a shower got dressed into Cheryl's checker crop top and a jean skirt  wit...

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Toni's outfit^

i grabbed my bike keys and my bag with my phone and left for school I'm trying to get there early so i can beat Cheryl there so i can give her this necklace i bought her.

Cheryl's Pov

i woke up to my alarm going off i got up took a shower and got dressed into a black crop top and black laggings then i heard my little sister start crying so i want to check on her i picked her up out of  her crib i feed her and got her back to sleep i went back to my room to do my makeup i finished just need to put my red lip stick on and my black heels 

i woke up to my alarm going off i got up took a shower and got dressed into a black crop top and black laggings then i heard my little sister start crying so i want to check on her i picked her up out of  her crib i feed her and got her back to sl...

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Cheryl's outfit ^

i went down stairs to get something to eat before school and Adam was there i tried to ignore him but her grabbed me by my neck and started yelling at me i tried to get away but he was to strong when he finally let me go he punched me in my stomach i fell to the ground and  he went to go to my little sister i got up and grabbed some food and went to grabbed my bag and i looked at my neck in the mirror and saw bruises i covered them up with consoler but i didn't know that i missed a bruise then grabbed my bag and phone and left the house and went to the school when i got there i saw Toni's bike so i parked right next to her i grabbed my stuff and went in the school

Toni's Pov 

i saw Cheryl coming to her locker so i waited and when she saw me she got happy and ran to me i picked her up and spun her while kissing her i put her down and put my forehead against hers "TT what are you doing here early." she asked me i smiled "i wanted time to spend with you before class and i have something for you." i said pulling out the necklace box and handing it to her she opened it "omg TT this is so beautiful thank you." she said i smiled "here let me help you put it on." i said while grabbing the necklace when she moved her hair i saw a big bruise on her neck "Cher where did this bruise come from." i asked as i turned her around "oh um i burnt my neck curling my hair." she said playing with her hands i knew she was lying she i pulled her into the janitors closet "Cheryl who gave you that bruise cuz your hair is not curled so who gave it to you." i said holding her hands 

she started crying i pulled her into a hug "I'm so sorry TT i didn't tell you." she said in between sobs i held her tighter "who did this Cher." i asked calmly "it was Adam." she said hiding her face into my neck "Adam as in your moms boyfriend Adam." i asked rubbing her back she nodded her head i was felling up with anger "i promise i will never let him hurt you again Cher." i said holding her she looked into my eyes trying to find any lies but when she didn't she kissed me the bell rang so i took Cheryl to her class i told her ill pick her up after class to walk to math together when she was in class i pulled out my phone and text my family group chat 

TTopaz📷: guys i need you help 

JJones🍔: what's up sis

JBJones🛹: Yes Tiny

FJones🏍: yes sweetheart

GJones💰: what's up 

TTopaz📷: ok so i need you guys and the serpents to get Adam Luna and bring him to the white worm

JJones🍔: what he do sis


FJones🏍: you got it 

GJones💰: ofc sweetheart where is he 

TTopaz📷: i cant say what he did cuz its not my place but he's at Cheryl's place with her little sister so JB can you watch her please 

JBJones🛹: ofc T

Everyone: we are on it Tiny

TTopaz📷: thanks guys

after i texted my family i got on my bike and went to the white worm and waited for my family to bring him i was behind the bar when my mom and dad and Jug came in with Adam "where do you want him Boss." one of the serpents said to me "take him to the basement." i said drying my hands off and following them to the basement they tied him to a chair and i took the hood off of him  "where am i." Adam asked me "everyone out i wanna talk to him alone." i ordered them they all left and it was just me and Adam "so i heard you hit my girlfriend Cheryl Adam." i said grabbing my switch blade out "so what she is a lesbain and its a disgrace to the lord." he said i got mad and punched him "so is abusing your girlfriends daughter." i said putting my switch blade to his throat "so this is how this is going to work your going to leave Riverdale and never come back and your never going to hit another little girl again and your never going to see you daughter cuz if i found out you are near the Blossom family i will kill you." i said pushing my switch blade into his throat 

"ok i will leave just don't hurt me please." he said crying he's a whimp i cut his hand a little bit so he knows i wasn't kidding "if you tell any of this to Cheryl or Penelope i will kill you understand." i said in a fierce tone he nodded i let him go and he ran strait to the door and ran home "Jug." i called "yes Tiny." he replied "make sure he leaves Riverdale and don't let him take Cheryl's sister." i said fiercely "you got it boss." he said going to his bike i went to my bike and drove to school and make it to Cheryl's class before the bell rung for second period she can out and ran to me "i missed you TT." she said hugging me "i missed you to Princess." i said kissing her "so do you wanna go to my place since we have free period." i asked her with a smirk she saw my smirk and she nodded we went to my bike i helped her on  then i got on we drove to my place i parked my bike and picked Cheryl's up and she Giggled i started kissing her and trying to open my door when i finally got it open i went in and shut the door behind me and carried her to my bed and throw her on it

Cheryl's Pov 

Toni started kissing down my body which made me let out a quiet moan she took off my shirt after i took hers off i flipped us over and kissed down her body when i got to her pants i pulled them down then i pulled her underwear off with my teeth she was whimpering for me to touch her where she needed me i started sucking her clit and she was arching her hips into me i held them down with my hand and with my free hand i pushed two fingers in her "fuck Cher that feels good." she moaned i went at a faster pace i took my pants and boxers off "fuck Cher your so big." she moaned i pushed all my 12 inches in her she moaned so loud 

after we were finished we laid in bed and cuddled "Cher." she said "yes TT." i said "what do you think about kids." she asked "i love kids babe why." i asked "cuz i wanna have kids with you." she said sitting up and looking at me "i wanna have kids with you too TT." i said kissing her we laid back down and turned on a movie half way through the movie Toni fell asleep so i turned of the tv and went to sleep with her we both forgot there was school but we woke up to my alarm saying it was time to leave for third period so we got dressed and headed back to school we still had 20 minutes till the bell rung so we went to the student lounge and saw Kevin, Veronica, Archie, Betty, Jughead, Josie, JB, and Viola "there you guys are where did you guys go." Veronica asked i just smiled at her and moved my hair to show them the hickey Toni left they all liked at me then Toni "omg you guys had sex didn't you." JB asked  "yes we did JB thanks for noticing." Toni said sarcastically  i just giggled she sat down and i sat down on her lap she put her arms around my waist i leaned back into her 



ok so this chapter is longer then i thought it would be so next chapter Toni founds out she's pregnant I'm sorry i didn't put it in this chapter it was just longer then i thought it would be so yeah i hope you guys like this chapter  let me know if you guys want me to post more

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