Antoinette xx

I'm changing something Instead of Toni being Intersex ima have Cheryl be intersex cuz i have an idea for later that i want to do but i have to have Cheryl intersex for it to work so i hope you guys like this chapter i broke my wrist so if there are some mistakes then I'm sorry it's really hard to write with my broking wrist but also sorry i didn't write this yesterday i was dealing with alot of pain, idk if this chapter will have smut but ik the next one will but i might add smut to this chapter I'm also writing this at 6am to try and get this chapter out today so that's why I'm up at 6am to write this


Toni's Pov 

"what do you mean you killed Nick." Veronica asked me I looked at her with a sad but confused look "I pushed him to hard into a metal pipe and it went through his heart and I know he was dead and that's how I got all his blood on me." I said shaking Cheryl just held me and didn't saw anything, all of the sudden I felt a slap across my face I looked and it was Veronica "what the fuck was that for Veronica." I asked standing up "that was for killing my best friend and Ima tell sheriff Keller that you killed Nick." she said i step back and looked at the girl i thought was my friend and now she's stabbing me in the back i couldn't tell her why i accidently killed him cuz I promised Cheryl i wouldn't tell anyone my eyes started to water cuz it hurt and i thought she was my friend all i heard was Cheryl yelling at Veronica

"WHAT THE HELL VERONICA IT WAS AN ACCIDENT AND WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT HIM AFTER WHAT HE DID TO TONI'S FRIENDS IN NEW YORK. " Cheryl yelled at her obviously mad "CUZ CHERYL HE WAS MY BEST FRIEND AND IK HE WOULD NEVER DO WHAT SHE SAYS THAT HE DID IVE KNOWN HIM SINCE WE WHERE BABIES SO I TRUST HIM MORE THEN TONI AND YOUR JUST A CHARITY CASE TO HER CHERYL." she yelled back at Cheryl i started getting mad at Veronica cuz one she didn't have the right to yell at Cheryl for something that wasn't her fault or call her a charity case i punched Veronica and she fell to the ground i started punching her harder Cheryl was trying to pull me off her but i was to strong it wasn't till Jug and my dad showed up that made me stop she was coughing up blood

"never ever call her that again Veronica cuz next time it wont be good for you." i said walking outside and grabbed a rock and was about to smash her car windows when Cheryl run after me and stopped me i looked into her dark brown eyes i started crying into her shoulder she held me tight in her arms whispering that everything was going to be ok she kissed my forehead i started to calm down and when i did i went to Veronica who was getting stiches from my dad "Veronica I'm so sorry i punched you and that i accidently killed you bestfriend i wasn't trying to i feel so bad that i did that to you please forgive me." i said just above a whisper so she could hear me she gave me a tight hug we both started crying and hugging each other


Antoinette xx

Ik its a short chapter but my wrist was hurting badly writing this so i had to make it short but she Cheryl tell Veronica what Nick did to her or should she keep it to her and Toni let me know and thanks to everyone who is reading this and commenting it means alot to me thanks 

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