Toni's Pov

When Cheryl put her hand on mine, I got butterflies "Cheryl I have a question." I ask as I look in her beautiful dark brown eyes "yes Toni." she answered and looking in my eyes "am I really that good at singing." I ask her "yes Toni you are." she answered the bell rung and I grabbed my stuff and hopped on my motorcycle and drove home when I got home, I went to my room and took a nap

I woke up to knocking on my door I got up changed into a t-shirt and shorts I opened the door and there was Josie and Cheryl "hey guys come in." I say as I step aside to let them in "nice place you got here Toni." Josie said "Yea it's really nice, you live alone?" Cheryl asked I looked at her and shook my head

"Yes, I do live alone my parents aren't accepting me for who I am when I told them I was a bisexual they basically sent me here." I told them tears rolling down my face they both hugged me "don't worry we are here for you Toni." Josie said "we will always be here for you." Cheryl said to me "come on let's work on this song for class." I said to them

Antoinette xx

sorry for the short chapter 

I hope you guys like this I'm not really good at it 

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