Toni's Pov

i texted my parents and siblings cuz i needed help with something

Toni's family group chat

TTopaz📷:Guys i need your help

JBJones🛹: wsp sis

FJones🏍: wsp Antoinette

JJones🍔:wsp tiny

GJones💰: yes sweetheart

TTopaz📷: ok so Cheryl told me something but I'm not saying what it is so i need your help

JBJones🛹: ofc ill help

FJones🏍: me too

JJones🍔: always tiny

GJones💰: what do we need to do and we'll always help no matter what

TTopaz📷: ok mom i need you to kidnap nick and dad, Jug, and JB i need you guys to get somewhere i can take him

JBJones🛹: you got it

FJones🏍: got it Antoinette

JJones🍔: got it tiny and we can do it at the white worm

GJones💰: oh so nick has something to do with it ofc ill get him no one messes with my daughter in-law

TTopaz📷: thanks guys ill let you know when to bring him mom

GJones💰: ok sweet heart

well they were getting everything ready i was trying to get out of bed without waking Cheryl up and when i got out of bed i wrote her a note that said "hey beautiful my dad needed me for something ill be back later ok i love you so much i called Ronnie to come over so your not alone and don't worry i didn't tell her what happen ik you want to when your ready i love you." i put it down on my side of the bed and called Ronnie

Toni: hey Ronnie

Ronnie: wsp Toni

Toni: well I've got to go somewhere and i don't want Cheryl alone do you think you can come over ik its late....

Ronnie: you got it Tiny  

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