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Cheryl's Pov

After the principal told us to go to class I went to bio, and I sat in the back "guys we have a new student please say hi to Antoinette topaz."

I look up and see the girl from the hallway omg it's her I look back down Toni sat down right next to me I didn't look up when she sat down "okay guys we are doing a project so the person you're sitting next to is going to be your partner for the project."

I didn't hear the teacher because I had my headphones in, I felt a tap on my shoulder I look up to see Toni looking at me "can I help you." I said to her "you're my partner for the project." Toni said looking into my eyes

I looked away "great I have to do this project with a southside scum" I mumble "I heard that." Toni said I look her up and down and then smirk "here's my number text me where we should do this project." I hand her a paper with my number on it, the bell then rang I grabbed my stuff and made my way to the table with my friends "hey Cher how was class." veronica said

"It was fine, but I have to deal with Toni in there." I told her she just looked at me and chuckled "sounds like you like her Cher." betty said to me I looked at her "no I don't Cousin betty she's a south side scum." as I said that Toni come up to our table

"Hey Toni come sit with us." Josie said I looked at Toni then to Josie with a mad look "Josie can I talk to you." Toni asked Josie I look at veronica with a raised eyebrow "sure Toni." Josie answered her


Antoinette xx

should I have Josie like Cheryl but Cheryl doesn't feel the same

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