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I reached the hospital as fast as I could.

I knew she was at the vip section of the hospital. So I ran to the room 14 a where she was at according to aunty. Mrs. Kim almost fell running behind me. I noticed that. But I didn't stopped to pick her up. I can ask her well being once I found p'freen.

She knew my desperation. She stood up and ran behind me again.

" Becky you go. I am right behind you." She said while breathing heavily.

I said" okay mrs. Kim." Without looking back. Once I reached the room. I saw p'freen sitting on the bed facing her back towards the door. And a man whom I never met was packing her things.

" P'freen....huh..!" I sighed.

I was breathing heavily since I did all the running.

She looked at me quickly.

" Becky?" She said with fear. Is she scared ? Why is she scared?

" Bec bec! What are you doing here? How did you came here so fast?" She asked panicking.

" Why? I am early right. I see you packing your stuff. Were you about to run knowing I was coming here?" I said with anger. I was feeling a wired kind of anger.

Before entering the room all I was feeling was guil for blaming her of something she didn't do. But now all I am feeling is anger that she ran away. And also she was trying to run now..

" No.. bec bec....! I was .." she said and tried to get off her bed.

" Ouchh!" And she fell getting down. Is she injured severally? My question is already answered when I saw a huge dressing on her arm.

" P'freen!" I ran towards her. But before I can reach her the man that was packing her stuff came and held her with her waist.

" You might wanna take this easy. Go to your bed and talk to her. Don't rush anything." The man said in a serious tone. P'freen followed his order and went to her bed.

I stopped in the middle watching the man and p'freen talk some thing with their eyes.

Who is this man? Why is he ordering p'freen? And why is she listening to him?

I looked at him confused.

" I'll leave you to spouses alone." He said and left.

I am still confused with the whole situation.

I looked at p'freen as demanding answers.

" P'freen!" I said demanding.

" What happened? How did you get injured? Why are you back in this world? And mostly who is that man?" I asked her while sitting beside her on a chair.

" Babe. Wait... I can't answer all the questions together. Let me answer one by one. You know how your dad came and I said all the stuff about you..." She looked at me. I felt guilty immediately. " Don't feel guilty it was all part of his plan. He thought now that he has nam and heng I won't have any accomplice so it would be easier to catch me. and if I came back in this world you'd break up with me. So... It's win win for him. So he came there saying all the stupid stuff that day. But ..... "

" How did you got hurt?"

" It's... your dad!"

" He shot you?" I looked at her feeling even more guilty.

" Humm... But I am fine now."

" Are you? Look at you...." I said. I couldn't help myself but hug her.

" I love you too.." she said hugging me back.

" I'll kill you if you ever tried to leave me again..." I said smelling her smell to the fullest. I was missing her for so long. Now she is with me and I can't believe that.

" I love you so much.... And everything I said please forgive me for that.." I said.

" You know I can't say no to this face.." she kissed my lips immediately waiting for this kiss for so long.

" Babe. What about our kids?" She asked.

" Well.. sam and kath are in richie's care..."

" They must be loving it there." She said.

" Not as much as they liked being cuddled and taken care of by their mom." I said looking at her. " They need their mom."

" What about their mommy? Do she need their mom too?" She said

" She needs her more ." I say hugging her again.

" I am not going anywhere. So please a bit loosely..." She said smiling.

" I don't trust you anymore. I will tie you down in my arms." I said like a demanding baby.

She kissed my forehead. I remembered then she still didn't said who that man was.

" P'freen who was that man?" I asked.

" Oh! He is my old friend and accomplice . I kept him hidden from everyone for a moment like this. When all of my trusty friends are in cell. He is the only one I can trust now after you. He is like my brother. P'saint." She said smiling.

" Oh!" I said. " He must be a good friend to you."

" He is. He can kill for me and die for me." She said with confidence.

" But p'freen why are you back?"

" I was like a controlling factor for this world. The crime rate was up when I was mafia queen but when I wasn't here it became out of control. So I had to come back..."

" P'freen but this is not..."

" I know. I am not planning on staying here for long. Believe me I will go back once I have taken care of all the problems."

" Problems.?"

" Yeah! Bec bec. Your dad isn't the only person that wants to kill me. But your dad is the only person I have real danger from. Because he is the only person I can't hurt." She said.

" I am really sorry p'freen. My dad...!"

" Don't be. I'll prove to him that I am worthy. I am worthy of you. " She said holding my hand.

" You're already more than worthy of me. P'freen! You know why? Cause I choose you.." I said kissing her lips.

I lips parted because of a sound. This is the sound of mrs. Kim felling down.


" Ouuh!"

" Huh!"

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