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Kongkwan woke up next to the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Fon was sleeping without a worry of this world. Kongkwan couldn't stop but think how lucky she is. That this woman choose her.   Fon was sleeping with her hands over her head and legs on kongkwan.

" Why do I need my side of the bed?" Kongkwan said and kissed fon's head.

She got up carefully moving fon's leg from her body without waking her up.

Then she came downstairs to do her daily routine.

She left for school with the kids as always.

Fon woke up late again and ran to her work. Even though she doesn't have a boss or any customers.

Fon went to her library and began her daily works like cleaning and brooming the library and the front of it. Also watering the plants she got. Then she brought out a book and started reading it.

What a peaceful day. Although I was late. As soon as I came here the time seem to stop. All I can do is think of kongkwan, sam and kath. Don't know what they are doing. Sam and kath must be napping now. And kongkwan must be eating lunch and thinking about stuff she always thinks about. Humm. Such a peaceful day. The wind is blowing the leaves away from the trees. Although this is changing season I want nothing to change. The winter is so cruel here. But kongkwan loves it. So do I.

Fon smiled at herself.

Suddenly a bell disturbed her thoughts.

" Someone came?" She looked up at the door. Discovering mrs. Wichai at the door.

" Oh! Fon you run this place?" She said with a smile. She was wearing a red coat with a black pants. Although it's not cold yet she was complimenting her coat with a red muflar.

" So hot in here?" Said mrs. Wichai. S he began to loose  her coat. After she took off her coat she placed it on the coat rack and began to look into the shelves.

" Don't just stare like that! People might think we had some problem. They might suspect about our past." Mrs. Wichai said smiling.

Fon controlled her self and said" Is  there anything particular you looking for?"

" Nope, just something to cut the time." Said mrs. Wichai.

" Well may I suggest something!" Said fon.

" Well why not. I mean this town is great and all but what about the network. Uff. I can't get any reception on my phone. It's like living in the 90s. This is perfect place to lay low." Said mrs. Wichai.

The last line cut fon like a knife.

Fon still kept looking for a book.

" Yeah! It can be boring when you first came here. But once you settled in it's pretty interesting. Since you get time to enjoy nature." Fon said still her face towards the books.

" Nature! Uurg..! The nature. So beautiful! But what's with the cold?" Mrs. Wichai said looking through a magazine that was neatly stacked on the table.

" Have you had the pleasure of going to the park? It's really beautiful." Said fon with a exciting voice.

" No haven't. But someday I want to. Why don't you company me?"

" If you say so." Fon faked a smile.
Fon was nit a little bit interesting in this kind of chit-chat with mrs. Wichai
She just wants to throw some books at her and made her go. But she can't. She keeps herself calm knowing what with freen do if she hears about this sudden visit of mrs. Wichai. Fon quickly brought out some books and put it on the counter.
" Here these are some books I would suggest. If you're just starting." Fon showed one by one four books.

" Fon you are really good at your job. I like it. Fon let me tell you one thing about freen. Oops! I mean kongkwan. She is also very good at everything she does. But once she gets bored of one toy she plays with another. The main point is the toy's boring point. Some takes one day, some one night. Or might take eight years. Believe me I know." Mrs. Wichai said smiling.

Then she picked up the books and left.

When she was gone fon kept thinking about what she said," eight years? That's how long I am with p'freen. If she wanted to leave she would have. That b*tch. I am not a play toy to p'freen. That b*tch doesn't know I play with p'freen." Becky giggled a bit." But how does she knew? She also said she knew! What does that mean? Was she one of the girls p'freen had been with? Did they had an affair? Was it before me or after me? Or is it happening now? Could it happen now?" All of this questions flooded becky's mind.


Kongkwan came back home and saw the house empty. Fon was nowhere to be found.

Kongkwan thought she had one of those book club meetings. So she didn't gave it any thoughts. She made hot chocolate for the kids and a cup of coffee for herself. Then she went to watch family feud.

Until the clock ticked at 8 pm.

" She is never this late! She didn't even gave me a call!" Said kongkwan looking at her phone. The kids are laying beside kongkwan cozily hugging her.

" Kids did mommy told you anything about her being late?" She asked.

" No!" They replied in unison.

Kongkwan picked up her phone and called fon. The phone rang and then it was cut off.

" You did not just declined my call..! Fon!" Kongkwan stood up angrily.
Kongkwan then angrily called her again and again again. But the call was cut every time.
Kongkwan also left some texts but all were unanswered.

" Mommy is trouble!" Sam Whispered.

" No! Mommy have super power mumus. Whenever mom's angry mommy uses her super power mumus to get away." Kath whispered to sam.

Kongkwan heard the twins Whisper.

" This time her mumus won't work. She is late and she cut my call. Double penalty." Kongkwan crossed her hand. " Mommy will suffer for making mom worry."


My Dear Teacher...2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora