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We reached the airport without any problem. It felt too easy. As we entered the airport we saw p'nam waiting for us.

" Hey! Nong! I missed you so much......!" She came running and hugged me.

" I missed you too p'nam. " I started crying for some reason.

She hugged me. She knew why I was crying all of a sudden. She was just rubbing my back to comfort me. She also started tearing up until she saw my little ones.

"Awwwwww...! Look at them...! Little nong and little freen..!" Nam kneeled down to look at sam and kath.

" What are your names? Little ones." Said p'nam pinching their cheek.

Kath and sam both looked at me with confusion...so should be because they were meeting this completely new person.

" It's okay. She is your aunt nam." I said.

They looked convinced and they both started saying their name.

" My name is Samuelson anantrakul."
"My name is Katharine anantrakul."

" Cool names guys...!" Nam raised her hands to high five.

But the twin didn't answered.. just gave a wired look.

" Mom said not to do that!"
" Only lowlife, uncivilized people do that kind of gestures." Said both.

P'nam looked at me.

" P'freen taught them that. Not me....!" I said.

" These....two not just look like their mo talk like her too. I knew freen would do that..!,." P'nam stood up with a disguted face.

" Becky dear! I am sorry! You have to go through that! Do you regret meeting freen that day in the court.?" Said nam looking at me pity fully.

" No! P'nam! I don't! If you say that....then you have to say that day at her house. When I was eight! Anyways. I don't regret it at all! If I haven't had met p'freen. I won't have these two angels and the wonderful years that we spent together....I don't regret any decisions. Until today...that I regret for asking p'freen to settle down in kingdom downs. If we just have left when I gave birth we would've been better and together now ...!" I teared up remembering when p'freen told me that we should move to another place. But I stopped her....

I can still remember her smile. Her smell is still lingering in my nose. I can feel her touch in my neck. Her sweet touch. All of that made me emotional and some how I cannot contain my tears now.
I suddenly felt two warm hugs on my legs.

I looked down. It's my angels.

" Mommy! Who is p'freen? Why are you crying?" They said in unison.

I kneeled down to them and said," babies... It's your mom. We used to call her that p'freen! Your mom's real name is freen. Freen sarocha Chankimha!"

" Chankimha!"

" Chankimha! Then my name is also Kathrine Chankimha?" They said with the cutest confused face.

" Humm!" I nodded.

" Mommy! When is mom coming? I wanna meet her." Sam yelped.

" I wanna meet her too...!" I could only sigh.

" Omo! Just.... please with this emotional. I hungry! So lets go eat." P'nam tried to encourage us. But I know how much hurt she is.

We went to the lunch area of the airport. We sat down on a table.
" We still got two hours before our flight."
Said p'nam. That brought me back to reality from my daydream about p'freen coming back.

" Huh! Oh!....our flight right!" I was just hoping I was in my dream. " What do you mean by our? Are you coming with us?" I said with confusion.

" Yes.! I am! Freen instructed me specifically to get you to your new home. Sattle you down and only then I can leave." P'nam said.

" But! Umm....she told me p'heng was taking me."

" Yeah! That was the plan. But you know your freen. She just doesn't trust heng enough. Also with the whole history with you and him."

"What history? I never had any history with p'heng!"

" Well! Freen is the jealous and protective type you know." She said.

I was convened.

"Mommy! I wanna go to washroom!" Sam looked at me and said.

" Okay! Let's go!" I picked up sam to take him to the washroom.

" There is one straight and then left." P'nam said.

" Thank you p'nam!.." I looked at Kathrine who was enjoying a smoothy." Wanna go to the washroom? Let's go! It will be easier for me if you go now!"

" Let's go!" She said and held my hand.

" Mommy let's go...!" Sam cried out.

" Okay okay, let's go! P'nam! I'll be back in a minute!"

When I reached the washroom I took sam and kath both to the ladies room. But sam was protesting at first. But when I told him that he wasn't old enough to use it yet he stopped.
The ladies room was totally empty to my surprise.

" Okay! Now.! First it's sam's turn then you!" I said to kath. I sat kath to the sink and then took sam in one of the stalls.

When sam was done I took him to wash his hands.

" Now! Always remember to wash your hands." I said.

" I know mommy!" He said. Then I was about to take kath to a stall but the bathroom door suddenly opened. I was relieved that was coming in. But it wasn't what I thought. It was a man.

A very tall bulky man. His head is shaved with tiny hair growing. He also had a scar on his head down to his eye.

Kath was scared and held onto my arms tightly.

" Sir you're not supposed to be in here. This is a ladies toilet!" I said to me politely.

" You're more beautiful than your picture! How can freen have you all for all these years?" He said.

Two words pierced through my heart 'my picture ' 'freen '. He knows freen and me? How?

Is he freen' enemy? Or police?

All of those questions came in my mind. But before that he came closer to me.

Before I can bring out my phone he came in and put a injection in neck!

" I am sorry for hurting your perfect neck!" He whispered. That is all I can hear before I fell to the ground.

" What...?"

" Mommmmmmmyyyy......" All noises mixed up in my mind. Every went black. I can hear my babies crys. I tried to grab him. But my hands went jelly.


When I woke up again I saw a white car standing infront of us. He came down and was talking to two people. That looked like my dad and mala. Inside that white car I can see a silhouette of a woman. That must be p'freen.

I looked around for my kids.
I saw sam sitting in left, he was awake and l looking outside. Trying to unlock the car.

And kath still sleeping by my right side. I sighed in relief atleast theya re safe untill now. And if p'freen is in thag car. They are safe afterwards too.

If that is my dad. Then did he paid him to kidnap us? Did my dad went that low....?

All of these questions was blocking my mind from thinking rationally.

But when the silhouette came out of the car I was somehow relieved yet worried... it's my p'freen. Tears fell from my eyes.

Suddenly I heard a voice....

" MOMMMMMMMMMMM!" it's sam.. he somehow opened the door of the car and couldn't stop himself when he saw his mom standing in handcuffs.

" NNNOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed.

My Dear Teacher...2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora