ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 37: TᕼE EᗰᗷᖇᗩᑕE Oᖴ ᗩ ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪ

Start from the beginning

"It's okay...let it all out, my friend! Just let it out," Clover cooed soothingly as she held Elena tightly in her arms. Hot tears streamed down her face, and she clenched her eyelids shut, hoping to stop the flow. Yet, the tears continued to fall, as if her eyes were releasing all the unshed tears from past incidents she had bottled up due to pride. Her breathing came in choppy gasps, and her eyes remained watery as she stood motionless against her friend's shoulder, finding solace in their embrace.

"Come on, let's get you inside," Clover said softly, gently guiding her friend towards her house. Elena settled on the couch, taking a few moments to collect herself, while Clover busied herself preparing some coffee for them to share.

"Here you go, your cappuccino," Clover said with a soft smile as she handed it to Elena.

"Thank you," Elena replied gratefully as she accepted the mug in her hands. Clover leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Elena's hair before settling beside her. Elena felt a sense of relief wash over her after finally allowing herself to release the pent-up emotions that had weighed her down. Yet, despite the temporary solace of her tears, the pain still lingered, prompting her to reflect on the wounds that had left her heart and soul bruised.

"How is it, do I still have the touch?" Clover asked Elena as she watched her take a small sip of the coffee. Elena responded with a small smile in return.

"You still have it! It's perfect!" Elena mumbled, her throat feeling a bit sore. Clover returned the smile, placing her own mug on the nearby coffee table. She let out a sorrowful sigh, rubbing her knees slowly before starting a conversation with Elena.

"El, what happened?" Clover's eyes held a mix of concern and fear as she awaited Elena's response. Elena nervously bit her bottom lip, setting down the mug with shaky hands. It seemed as though her entire being was on edge, memories of the past triggering an intense cascade of emotions within her.

"I...I think you...you...know..." Elena stuttered, a single tear escaping her left eye. Clover's heart sank as her worst fears were confirmed. Her hand moved to her mouth, eyes brimming with tears.

"I...I...I...had a re...relapse...and...went into cardiac arrest!" Elena choked out the words, her throat constricting with emotion. She watched as her best friend silently cried before her, the pain evident in her tear-filled eyes.

"El! It's my fault!" Clover cried out in anguish, feeling responsible for what her friend had endured, blaming herself for not answering that one phone call. Elena immediately moved closer, taking her friend's hands in hers as she gazed into her tear-filled eyes.

"It's not! It's not your fault that I'm a shitty person... putting you through these things!" Elena cried out, squeezing Clover's hands tightly.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry for what I did!" Elena sobbed uncontrollably, seeking her friend's forgiveness. She knew how much Clover struggled when she resorted to her old ways to cope. Clover had always been a pillar of support, a loyal friend, a caring sister, someone who loved her unconditionally despite her flaws. But as much as Clover wished for Elena's well-being, she also wished for her to heal completely. She understood that Elena would never be able to break free from her negative patterns unless she addressed the deep wounds in her soul. It was only a matter of time before history repeated itself, as the first time Elena was found in a critical state.

"El...I've had this pain in my chest for the past six months of your disappearance, constantly worrying about you because deep down, I feared something terrible had happened to you," Clover confessed softly, her voice filled with sorrow and relief at having Elena back by her side.

"Every night, I relived that night in Los Angeles," Clover's voice cracked as she recalled the painful memories. Elena's gaze drifted away from her friend, overwhelmed with remorse for the events of that night.

"El, I'm not the same because of you! I'm not the same after that night because I thought you were gone! I don't know how I've coped till this day when I think about it," Clover's tears continued to flow. Elena felt utterly helpless seeing her friend in such agony, as Clover vividly relived the traumatic incident that occurred during a business trip in Los Angeles. That trip had ended with Elena spending a total of fifteen days in the hospital after being resuscitated by the hotel staff.

"I'm sorry, I'm a terrible friend for putting you through so much," Elena apologized, her eyes burning from the torrent of tears she had shed, an unprecedented outpouring of emotion that seemed overwhelming for her to bear. Her body felt ill-equipped to handle such intense feelings.

"El, you promised me that you would call me whenever you felt like falling! You should've kept calling me! Why, just why didn't I answer that damn call!" Clover berated herself, consumed by anger and regret. Elena reached out, grasping Clover's shoulders and gently urging her to meet her gaze.

"I'm sorry...please don't be mad at me, and don't blame yourself for it! Please...I don't want to cause you any more pain than what I have already put you through...please don't blame yourself!" Elena cried out, throwing herself into Clover's arms, seeking solace and comfort from her best friend. Clover held onto Elena tightly, realizing just how fortunate she was to have her back, knowing that things could have taken a different turn in another world.

"So your parents kept this hidden from everyone, even us, your friends?" Clover asked, holding Elena tightly in her arms. Elena nodded against her friend's chest and then slowly backed away.

"They didn't want anyone leaking information about my condition, and they didn't think you guys were trustworthy," Elena confessed. Clover scoffed in disbelief, shaking her head at the thought.

"If only they knew," Clover murmured, causing Elena to look at her with gratitude.

"Yeah, they... don't know that this was actually my second overdose," Elena sighed, her eyes reflecting deep pain. Clover pressed her lips together, gently grasping Elena's arm in a gesture of understanding and support.

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