Gekko's First Pokemon Battle! ...On Technicality...

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          Raze sat by the exit door, still waiting for KIlljoy. By now she'd fallen asleep about 8 times, changed her playlist 6 times, done a cartwheel 3 times, and failed at doing a cartwheel once. The day felt like it'd gone by forever, yet the sun was still high and everyone was still taking their time. Right when she started to worry she saw her, Killjoy, at first she smiled - but Raze's face turned pale with concern the second she took a closer look; Killjoy was all scratched up, from head to toe she had cuts and even bruises, Raze looked around, wondering what kind of monster was capable of such damage. Killjoy ran up to the door and started banging on it, in her other arm she held her Sprigatito, desperately clinging to life.

"Hello?! Hello?! Please! Open up! This is an emergency! Please!"
"Ay, amor- what's going on?"
          Killjoy stared at her partner with frenzied eyes and a crazed look of desperation, Raze didn't hesitate. She grabbed her Mareep and stood in front of the door, she looked up to the scanner, Mareep in arms, hoping to unlock it for Killjoy - but to her surprise, it was scanning Killjoy as she banged on the door, it scanned the Pokemon in her arms, and it-

"Bond detected. You may now exit"
"Thanks love! - Help! I need help here! Sage!"
          Raze watched as her counterpart ran out of the enclosure, the only thing on her mind really was that cat, huh, Raze thought. Killjoy ran up to Sage and Brimstone, they were speaking to the professor, but this seemed like an appropriate time to interrupt-

"As I was saying, Bellossom Indu-"
"Sage! I need your help,"
          Killjoy handed the cat to Sage, Sage looked unsettled, yet calm, she was the calm in the storm, and she would be this cat's tenth life.

"... Well-"
"SHUT UP!" (All 3)
          After silencing the professor, Sage, Brimstone, and Killjoy redirected their focus back to Sprigatito, Sage handed the cat to Brimstone, having him hold it up for her. She took an orb from her belt, levitating it above her palm, and quickly, dispelled it into the cat, surging life through it once more, cure, warmth, breath, rejuvenation... revival.

"Quickly! We need to get it to a PokeCent... oh my..."
"God? Yeah, we know, we're definitely a bit more than meets the eye~"
          Brimstone winked at the professor who was still in too much shock trying to comprehend what she was seeing. After Sage dispelled the life orb into Sprigatito, it started to heal, its cuts and bruises, its poison cured, its heart, beating at its regular pace once more, it was a miracle, or magic, or-

          Once Sprigatito had been fully healed, Brimstone handed it back to Killjoy. Killjoy looked at it, crying and smiling, tears of relief overwhelmed her as she held the cat she saved, and the friend she made. Brimstone nodded toward KIlljoy, prompting Sage to take another orb, this time placing it on Killjoy's heart, vanishing into energy, replenishing her health the same way it did Sprigatito, her cuts closed and her bruises healed, another miracle, Professor Cherry Blossom thought.

"You... how did you do that, with- the orb and the healing and-"
"It's Sage~ She's our healer~"
          Killjoy sobbed out the words to the professor, smiling with the happiest tears one could cry. Sage smiled back, at Killjoy, at the cat

          Sova must've been searching for hours, but every Pokemon seemed to reject him; they all either ran away, hid, or straight-up attacked him, he didn't know what he was doing wrong. He approached each and every one of them with a warm smile and good intentions, unfortunately, that wasn't enough. Sova deployed his drone as a last resort, realizing that maybe the warm approach wasn't the best one...

          Sova navigated his drone through the forest, it felt like watching a documentary in virtual reality. All the wildlife was so vivid, yet he wasn't there, he was back behind a screen.

VALORANT: GO!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon